The role of national-institutional context in organisations and in organisational innovation: the case of Western and Central and Eastern European countries
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Käesolev doktoritöö analüüsib, kuidas ühiskondlik ja rahvuslik kontekst ning sellest tulenevad organisatsioonilised tingimused mõjutavad organisatsioonilise innovatsiooni rakendamist organisatsioonides. Uurimuses kasutatakse Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa ning Lääne-Euroopa riikide andmeid. Nende ajaloolises arengus näeme nii sarnasusi kui erinevusi. Võrreldakse erineva majandusliku arengu ning ideoloogilise minevikuga riike.
Metodoloogiliselt on seejuures uudne viis, kuidas defineeritakse organisatsioonilist innovatsiooni läbi seitsme unikaalse kombinatsiooni, mis on koostatud kolme, laialt tunnustatud, organisatsioonilise innovatsiooni tüübi põhjal. Nendeks on efektiivsusele, töö organiseerimisele ja välistele suhetele suunatud innovatsioonid.
The current dissertation analysed how the societal and national context and the organisational consequences that stem from it affect the implementation of organisational innovation in organisations. The society-specific or country-specific aspect of structural and cultural settings and more for organisational innovation is thereby the novelty of this study. The research follows the logic that OI is a phenomenon embedded in the thematic circle of organisation and this in turn is surrounded by the thematic circle of the national institutional and historical environment. This research uses data from CEE and WE countries which have had both similarities and differences in their historical development, making it possible to draw conclusions at the societal level about the nature and effects of organisational innovation. The study compares countries with different economic developments and ideological pasts. The methodological innovation in this dissertation is the way of defining organisational innovation through seven exclusive combinations of the three widely recognised types of organisational innovation, which are innovations in effectiveness, work management and external relations.
The current dissertation analysed how the societal and national context and the organisational consequences that stem from it affect the implementation of organisational innovation in organisations. The society-specific or country-specific aspect of structural and cultural settings and more for organisational innovation is thereby the novelty of this study. The research follows the logic that OI is a phenomenon embedded in the thematic circle of organisation and this in turn is surrounded by the thematic circle of the national institutional and historical environment. This research uses data from CEE and WE countries which have had both similarities and differences in their historical development, making it possible to draw conclusions at the societal level about the nature and effects of organisational innovation. The study compares countries with different economic developments and ideological pasts. The methodological innovation in this dissertation is the way of defining organisational innovation through seven exclusive combinations of the three widely recognised types of organisational innovation, which are innovations in effectiveness, work management and external relations.
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corporate culture, organization development, innovation management, innovatsioonid