Ajaväljendid eesti murretes
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Doktoritöös käsitletakse ajaväljendeid ja nende varieerumist eesti murretes. Töö põhineb Tartu Ülikooli eesti ja üldkeeleteaduse instituudis arendataval eesti murrete korpusel ja hõlmab sellisena kõiki murdeid. Kui kirjakeeles väljendatakse toimumisaega enamasti kohakäänete abil (hommikul, õhtul, pühapäeval), siis murretes on varieeruvus palju suurem, kasutatakse näiteks ka omastavat või osastavat käänet (päeva, hummogu). Väitekirja eesmärk on selgitada ajamääruste varieerumise kaudu ilmnevaid muutusprotsesse, adverbistumise või kaassõnastumise etappe. Ühe mõjurina grammatiseerumis- ja leksikaliseerumisprotsesside puhul on nimetatud sagedust ja see tuleb ilmsiks ka ajasõnade puhul: hulk ajasõnu (päev, öö, suvi, talv jms) on murdekorpuses kõige sagedasemate hulgas ja teatud käändevormid (näiteks alalütlev või omastav) kalduvad kuhjuma, mis viitab sõnavormi kinnistumisele. Sagedasti kasutatud vormid võivad olla keelde kinnistunud uue terviküksusena, sõna käändevormist võib olla kujunenud adverb (nii on tekkinud adverb öösi) või kaassõna. Sõnavormide ebamäärasele kuuluvusele viitab seegi, et ka korpuse märgendajatel on olnud mõnikord raske otsustada, kas tegu on käänd-, määr- või kaassõnaga. Lisaks on töös uuritud, millised piirkondlikud erinevused ajaväljendite kasutamisel ilmnevad. Analüüsist tulevad esile niihästi erinevused kirjakeelest kui ka piirkondlikud kasutusmustrid. Murretes kasutatakse l-lõpulisi vorme tunduvalt vähem kui kirjakeeles, seejuures kasvab kohakäändeliste vormide kasutus lääne poolt ida poole. Ka teistes uuemates uurimustes on leitud, et lauseehituslikul tasandil on ida- ja läänepoolsete murrete erinevused suuremad kui põhja- ja lõunaeesti murretes, mille erinevus on suurem sõnavaratasandil. Teatud määral mõjutab vormi kinnistumist ka see, kas viidatakse konkreetsele ajahetkele või ajale üldisemalt. Ühtlasi pakub uurimus võimalust kõrvutada muutusi keele erinevates registrites.
This dissertation examines time expressions in Estonian dialects and the grammaticalization and lexicalization processes that can be observed in them. Variation in the form of time adverbials can be seen in Standard Estonian as well, but in dialects the variation is greater, and as such, these expressions serve as good illustrations of the changes taking place in the language. The aim of this dissertation is to describe the occurrence of time expressions in Estonian dialects, to explore their variation and thereby to analyze the possible change processes that have taken/are taking place in them. An important background factor in these processes is frequency: the most frequent word forms or phrases tend to become fixed, showing signs of becoming adverbs or adpositions. The vagueness and variation of the placement of time expressions on the scale of grammaticality and lexicality is reflected by the variation in the annotations: the forms in question have been interpreted differently by annotators (sometimes as adverbs and sometimes as case-marked forms of nominals). Furthermore, support was found for the presumption that there are regional differences in the usage of time expressions, as well as that the syntactic/semantic environment affects the choice of form. All time words exhibit clear usage patterns in the expression of temporal location, which come into view through the marked usage of local case forms. As a general trend, it appears that the frequency of local case forms increases as one goes from west to east; marked forms appear on the periphery. To some extent, lexicalization is affected by whether reference is being made to a particular moment in time or to a more generic time (e.g. to the daytime as the light part of the day). The potential for adverbialization is greater in the latter case. The results would also provide a useful addition to the study of the processes of change in different registers.
This dissertation examines time expressions in Estonian dialects and the grammaticalization and lexicalization processes that can be observed in them. Variation in the form of time adverbials can be seen in Standard Estonian as well, but in dialects the variation is greater, and as such, these expressions serve as good illustrations of the changes taking place in the language. The aim of this dissertation is to describe the occurrence of time expressions in Estonian dialects, to explore their variation and thereby to analyze the possible change processes that have taken/are taking place in them. An important background factor in these processes is frequency: the most frequent word forms or phrases tend to become fixed, showing signs of becoming adverbs or adpositions. The vagueness and variation of the placement of time expressions on the scale of grammaticality and lexicality is reflected by the variation in the annotations: the forms in question have been interpreted differently by annotators (sometimes as adverbs and sometimes as case-marked forms of nominals). Furthermore, support was found for the presumption that there are regional differences in the usage of time expressions, as well as that the syntactic/semantic environment affects the choice of form. All time words exhibit clear usage patterns in the expression of temporal location, which come into view through the marked usage of local case forms. As a general trend, it appears that the frequency of local case forms increases as one goes from west to east; marked forms appear on the periphery. To some extent, lexicalization is affected by whether reference is being made to a particular moment in time or to a more generic time (e.g. to the daytime as the light part of the day). The potential for adverbialization is greater in the latter case. The results would also provide a useful addition to the study of the processes of change in different registers.
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Estonian language, dialectology, dialects, adverbial, lexicalization, grammaticalization, language change