Эстонско-русский перевод и развитие современной официально-деловой коммуникации: теоретический и практический аспекты
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Ametlikud suhted tungivad üha sügavamale ühiskonna ja iga inimese ellu, mis on kaasa toonud põhimõtteliselt uue dokumentatsiooni, mille žanri kui keele karakteristikuid ning tõlke iseärasusi tuleb tunda. Viimane väide kehtib eriti diasporaa keele kohta, kuna vene ametikeel funktsioneerib Eestis põhiliselt tõlketekstidena, mis sisaldavad venekeelsele elanikkonnale ja Eesti külalistele eluliselt vajalikku infot.
Käesolev uurimus aitab kaasa eesti-vene ametliku tõlke paljude teoreetiliste ja praktiliste probleemide lahendamisele. Väitekirja eesmärk on uurida teoreetiliselt ja praktiliselt eri žanris eesti-vene ametlike tõlketekstide iseärasusi ning välja selgitada, kas venekeelses ametisuhtluses on toimunud märgatavaid muutusi muukeelse kultuuri mõjul või on see mõjule vastu pidanud ning muutumatuks jäänud.
Töös pööratakse tähelepanu traditsioonilistele ja uuenduslikele arusaamadele ametliku ja äristiili elementidest ning funktsioneerimisest vene ja eesti keeles, diasporaa vene keele erinevusele Venemaal räägitavast vene keelest, tõlketeaduse teoreetilistele seisukohtadele ja nende praktilisele avaldumisele, mis on eesti-vene tõlke seisukohast oluline.
Uurimismaterjaliks olid paralleelselt nii paberkandjatel kui elektroonilised ameti- ja äritekstid, mis erinevad žanri, ametlikkuse ja funktsioonide poolest. Selliste tekstide teel edastavad riikliku ja erasektori struktuurid sotsiaalselt olulist infot rahvamassidele, mille problemaatika on mitmekesine ja hõlmab õiguse, rahanduse, tervishoiu, hariduse, ökoloogia, kultuuri valdkonda jt.
Käesoleva töö praktiline väärtus seisneb selles, et uurimistulemusi saab kasutada eesti-vene kirjaliku (esmajärjekorras) ja suulise tõlke õpetamiseks, õppematerjalide koostamiseks. Peale selle võivad tegevtõlkijad ja -tõlgid konkreetsete praktiliste materjalide analüüsitulemustest saada tööks vajalikke nõuandeid.
Business relations play an increasing role in the life of society and every individual, which entails the emergence of fundamentally new documentation that needs to be studied not only in terms of genre and language characteristics, but in a translational aspect. The latter is of special interest for the language of the diaspora, since the Russian business language in Estonia functions primarily in the form of translated texts that provide information vital for Russian-speaking residents and guests of the country. The presented research contributes to solving a number of theoretical and practical problems in the Estonian-Russian business translation. This thesis aims at conducting a theoretical and practical study of the features of Estonian-Russian translated business texts of different genres and finding out whether the Russian-language business communication has undergone significant changes under the influence of foreign language culture or remained impenetrable and unchanged. The work focuses on traditional and innovative approaches to the composition and functioning of the formal business style in Russian and Estonian, the differences between the Russian language of the diaspora and the Russian language of Russia, theoretical foundations of translation studies important for the Estonian-Russian translation and their practical implementation, etc. The material for the study included paper and electronic parallel formal business texts, which differ in terms of genre, degree of formality and functions. Through such texts, state and private structures transmit to the mass audience important and socially significant information, which diverse issues include law, finance, public health, education, ecology, culture, etc. The practical significance of this work is the possibility of using the obtained results for teaching Estonian-Russian translation and interpretation, as well as for developing teaching guides. In addition, the results of the analysis of specific practical materials might serve as recommendations for practicing translators and interpreters.
Business relations play an increasing role in the life of society and every individual, which entails the emergence of fundamentally new documentation that needs to be studied not only in terms of genre and language characteristics, but in a translational aspect. The latter is of special interest for the language of the diaspora, since the Russian business language in Estonia functions primarily in the form of translated texts that provide information vital for Russian-speaking residents and guests of the country. The presented research contributes to solving a number of theoretical and practical problems in the Estonian-Russian business translation. This thesis aims at conducting a theoretical and practical study of the features of Estonian-Russian translated business texts of different genres and finding out whether the Russian-language business communication has undergone significant changes under the influence of foreign language culture or remained impenetrable and unchanged. The work focuses on traditional and innovative approaches to the composition and functioning of the formal business style in Russian and Estonian, the differences between the Russian language of the diaspora and the Russian language of Russia, theoretical foundations of translation studies important for the Estonian-Russian translation and their practical implementation, etc. The material for the study included paper and electronic parallel formal business texts, which differ in terms of genre, degree of formality and functions. Through such texts, state and private structures transmit to the mass audience important and socially significant information, which diverse issues include law, finance, public health, education, ecology, culture, etc. The practical significance of this work is the possibility of using the obtained results for teaching Estonian-Russian translation and interpretation, as well as for developing teaching guides. In addition, the results of the analysis of specific practical materials might serve as recommendations for practicing translators and interpreters.
translation and interpretation, Estonian language, Russian language, administrative language, business communication, official languages, texts