The associations between body composition, obesity and obesity-related health and lifestyle conditions with male reproductive function
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Probleemid laste saamisel puudutavad ligi 15 protsenti viljakas eas paaridest ning pooltel juhtudel osutavad muutused mehega seotud teguritele. Viimase sajandi vältel on meeste spermakvaliteet oluliselt langenud. Viljakusnäitajate võimaliku halvenemise põhjusena nähakse teiste tegurite kõrval kiirelt muutunud eluviise ning teisenenud liikumis- ja söömisharjumusi. Paralleelselt viljakusprobleemide kasvuga on kolmekordistunud ülekaaluliste meeste osakaal. Ülekaal on probleemiks ka Eesti meestele. On uuringuid, mis kinnitavad rasvumise negatiivset mõju viljakusvõimele kui neid, mis eitavad seda. Vastukäivad uurimistulemused iseloomustavad ka vööpiirkonna rasvumisega seonduva metaboolse sündroomi (MS) ja spermakvaliteedi vahelisi seoseid. Küll ollakse pea ühiselt nõus, et ülekaal mõjutab hormonaalset tasakaalu, mis väljendub eelkõige testosterooni taseme languses. Meeste viljakust hinnatakse põhiliselt seemnevedeliku analüüsi alusel. Samas on viljakuspotentsiaali määramise üheks lihtsamaks meetodiks munandimahttude (MM) mõõtmine, kuid kriitilist MM, mis tagaks adekvaatse reproduktiiv-funktsiooni, pole siiani kindlalt määratletud. Eelnevat arvestades tõstaks eluviisi, ülekaalu ning ülekaaluga seonduvate tervisenäitajate ja viljakusparameetrite vaheliste seoste täpsem kaardistamine nõustamise kvaliteeti. Viljatute paaride meespartnerite ja rasedate naiste meeste uurimine, ning tulemuste analüüs näitas, et gruppide võrdluses oli enam ülekaalulisi ning MSga mehi viljatute paaride meespartnerite hulgas. Vööpiirkonna rasvumine seondus mõlemas grupis viljakusnäitajate langusega. Olulise tulemusena ilmnes, et kaalutõusust ja vööpiirkonna rasvumisest olid enam mõjutatud väiksema MMga mehed. MS ja spermanäitajate vahel seoseid ei saadud, kuid esines negatiivne seos MS ja testosterooni taseme vahel. Lisaks näitasime esmakordselt seoseid GGT taseme ja viljakuse languse vahel. Uuritavate meeste alkoholitarvitamine seondus ülekaaluga. Alkoholitarvitamine koos GGT taseme tõusuga oli negatiivselt seotud spermaparameetritega.
About 15% of couples in fertile age have experienced fertility problems and males are found to be contribute to 50% of cases overall. Men's semen quality has dropped dramatically over the last century. The possible reasons for the decline of fertility parameters can be the rapidly changed lifestyle, altered physical activity and eating habits along with other factors. The proportion of overweight men has tripled in parallel with the increase in fertility problems. Overweight is also a problem for Estonian men. There are studies that link fertility with obesity and those who deny it. Furthermore, there are also a few studies that have found a negative relationship between central obesity-related metabolic syndrome (MS) and sperm quality. There is, however, an almost unanimous agreement that increased weight has a negative correlation with testosterone levels. Semen analysis are mostly used to investigate fertility, but one of the easiest methods for determining fertility potential is the measurement of testicular volumes (TTV). Nevertheless, a critical TTV that would ensure adequate reproductive function has not been formally established. Altogether, a better understanding of the relationship between lifestyle, weight gain and overweight related health parameters and fertility would increase the quality of counseling. Investigating and comparing the results of a group of provenly fertile men and male partners of infertile couples showed that a significantly higher prevalence of adiposity and MS was found among male partners of infertile couples. Central obesity was associated with a decline in fertility parameters in both groups. Importantly, our analysis revealed that men with smaller testicles were more affected by changes in body composition. MS had no independent effect on major fertility parameters in different subgroups of men, but MS was negatively correlated to testosterone levels. The present results revealed an association between semen quality and GGT for the first time. In both groups, alcohol consumption was positively correlated to adiposity parameters. Alcohol consumption together with elevated GGT was negatively related to semen quality.
About 15% of couples in fertile age have experienced fertility problems and males are found to be contribute to 50% of cases overall. Men's semen quality has dropped dramatically over the last century. The possible reasons for the decline of fertility parameters can be the rapidly changed lifestyle, altered physical activity and eating habits along with other factors. The proportion of overweight men has tripled in parallel with the increase in fertility problems. Overweight is also a problem for Estonian men. There are studies that link fertility with obesity and those who deny it. Furthermore, there are also a few studies that have found a negative relationship between central obesity-related metabolic syndrome (MS) and sperm quality. There is, however, an almost unanimous agreement that increased weight has a negative correlation with testosterone levels. Semen analysis are mostly used to investigate fertility, but one of the easiest methods for determining fertility potential is the measurement of testicular volumes (TTV). Nevertheless, a critical TTV that would ensure adequate reproductive function has not been formally established. Altogether, a better understanding of the relationship between lifestyle, weight gain and overweight related health parameters and fertility would increase the quality of counseling. Investigating and comparing the results of a group of provenly fertile men and male partners of infertile couples showed that a significantly higher prevalence of adiposity and MS was found among male partners of infertile couples. Central obesity was associated with a decline in fertility parameters in both groups. Importantly, our analysis revealed that men with smaller testicles were more affected by changes in body composition. MS had no independent effect on major fertility parameters in different subgroups of men, but MS was negatively correlated to testosterone levels. The present results revealed an association between semen quality and GGT for the first time. In both groups, alcohol consumption was positively correlated to adiposity parameters. Alcohol consumption together with elevated GGT was negatively related to semen quality.
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mehed, keha koostis, rasvumine, ainevahetussündroom, elulaad, tervisenäitajad, reproduktiivtervis