Kaasaegsed bioinformaatika meetodid Alzheimeri tõve uuringutes
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Alzheimeri tõbi on kõige levinum dementsuse vorm ning see esineb ülemaailmselt vanematel inimestel. Uuringud keskenduvad põhjuste ja ravi leidmisele. Käsitletavad meetodid põhinevad geeniekspressiooni andmetel. Erinevalt avalduvad geenid eraldatakse ning kasutatakse edasistes analüüsides.Käesolev bakalaureusetöö pakub ülevaadet Alzheimeri tõve uuringutes kasutatavatest bioinformaatilistest meetoditest. Tuleneval mitmekülgsete meetodite hulgal põhinev analüüs kirjeldab lähenemisi lühidalt ning toob välja näiteid valitud artiklite hulgast.
This thesis provides an overview of the state-of-the-art methods currently used in studying Alzheimer's disease.\\The first section contains background information relevant to the better understanding of the subsequent analysis section. The section is divided into two, providing descriptions of main biological and bioinformatical ideas and methods.\\The second section contains the analysis of a selected subset of articles and provides a case study of a single chosen article. The analysis is split into parts relative to the studies conducted and compares the methods described.\\The resulting overview of the articles can be used a short introduction of the current state in research focused on the better understanding of the neurodegenerative disease.
This thesis provides an overview of the state-of-the-art methods currently used in studying Alzheimer's disease.\\The first section contains background information relevant to the better understanding of the subsequent analysis section. The section is divided into two, providing descriptions of main biological and bioinformatical ideas and methods.\\The second section contains the analysis of a selected subset of articles and provides a case study of a single chosen article. The analysis is split into parts relative to the studies conducted and compares the methods described.\\The resulting overview of the articles can be used a short introduction of the current state in research focused on the better understanding of the neurodegenerative disease.