Rakendus psühholoogiliste katsete läbiviimiseks virtuaalreaalsuses
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Bakalaureusetöö eesmärk on luua rakendus, mis võimaldab viia läbi psühholoogilisi katseid virtuaalreaalsuses või esimeses-isikus perspektiivis tavalistel arvutimonitoridel. Loodud rakenduse inspiratsiooniks on Psychlab. Rakendus võimaldab teha katseid inimeste ja tehisintellektiga varasemast sarnasemas katsetuskeskkonnas, ning võrrelda inim-katseisikuid virtuaalreaalsuses ja ilma virtuaalreaalsuseta timgimustes. Rakendus on loodud kasutades Unity mängumootorit ja sisaldab nelja klassikalist psühholoogia eksperimenti. Bakalaureusetöö annab ülevaate sellest, kuidas rakendus töötab ning taustainfot sarnaste programmide ja implementeeritud katsete kohta. Rakenduse kasutatavuse valideerimiseks on tehtud prooviuuring. Arutatakse võimalikke edasiarendusvõimalusi, näiteks loodud rakendusele masinõppe toe lisamine.
The goal of this thesis is to develop an application that allows running psychological experiments in virtual reality or in a first-person perspective on a normal computer monitor. Taking inspiration from Psychlab, the application is meant to be used to bring human test subjects and artificial intelligence agents to a more similar experimenting environment, or comparing the results of the same experiment done on humans with and without virtual reality. The application is created using Unity and four classic psychological experiments are implemented. The thesis gives an overview of how the application functions, and gives background information about similar programs and implemented experiments. A pilot study is conducted to validate the usability of the application. Possible improvements, like adding machine learning support, are discussed.
The goal of this thesis is to develop an application that allows running psychological experiments in virtual reality or in a first-person perspective on a normal computer monitor. Taking inspiration from Psychlab, the application is meant to be used to bring human test subjects and artificial intelligence agents to a more similar experimenting environment, or comparing the results of the same experiment done on humans with and without virtual reality. The application is created using Unity and four classic psychological experiments are implemented. The thesis gives an overview of how the application functions, and gives background information about similar programs and implemented experiments. A pilot study is conducted to validate the usability of the application. Possible improvements, like adding machine learning support, are discussed.