Mobile positioning data for tourism destination studies and statistics
Raun, Janika
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Sihtkoht on keskne mõiste turismi arenduses ja turunduses. Seni on uurijad ja praktikud sihtkohta käsitlenud eelkõige ajas muutumatu piiritletud geograafilise üksusena, mis sageli põhineb piirkonna kuvandil. Selline paindumatu käsitlus ei sobi tõhusaks sihtkoha juhtimiseks ja arendamiseks, kus investeeringute, turundusmeetmete ja arengusuundade planeerimisel on vaja sihtkohta ajas ja ruumis võimalikult täpselt määratleda. Üheks uueks sihtkohtade analüüsi võimaluseks on teha seda turistide tegelike külastuste põhjal. Info- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia kiire arengu tõttu saab lisaks traditsioonilistele majutus- ja küsitlusandmetele kasutada ka erinevaid asukohainfot sisaldavaid digitaalseid andmeallikaid. Doktoritöös kasutatakse passiivseid mobiilpositsioneerimise andmeid välisturistide külastustest Eestisse. Andmed salvestuvad automaatselt kõne tegemisel või SMS-i saatmisel mobiilioperaatori logides ning nende põhjal on võimalik analüüsida külastuse aega, kestust, ruumilist ulatust ja turisti päritolu. Mobiilpositsioneerimise ja majutusandmete vaheline tugev seos kinnitab mobiiliandmete esinduslikkust. Sihtkohtade detailsemaks analüüsiks uuriti külastuste ruumilist ja ajalist ulatust turistide päritoluriikide lõikes ning tuvastati peamised Eestisse saabumise kohad. Selgus, et sihtkohad asuvad erinevatel ruumilistel tasemetel: Eesti-siseselt on võimalik eristada väiksemaid sihtkohti nii ruumis kui ajas, külastajate päritolu mõjutab nende liikumismustreid ning Tallinn on peamine sisenemisvärav. Tulemustest nähtub, et sihtkohta on võimalik uurida külastuste parameetrite alusel, misläbi pole sihtkoht enam fikseeritud geograafiline piirkond, vaid ajas ja ruumis muutuv üksus.
Destination is the fundamental unit in tourism research, development and marketing. Most frequently it is seen as a fixed geographical area where tourists go. This static view is not helpful in making adequate management and marketing decisions. Practitioners are mostly interested in who, when and where are visiting the destinations. Thus, in this thesis destinations are analysed based on the movement of visitors. Recent rapid advancements in ICT-based technologies have opened up several new opportunities to collect data about human mobility, including tourists. In this thesis, passive mobile positioning data are used to analyse the movements of foreign tourists’ in Estonia. Mobile positioning data are automatically collected by mobile network operators for billing purposes and consist of the time and location of call activities (e.g., phone call, SMS) made in Estonia, and the country of origin of the visitor. The comparison of results derived from mobile data with official accommodation statistics shows a strong correlation. For the detailed destination analysis, the spatial and temporal dimension of visits among different countries of origin were analysed, and based on the movement of visitors the main gateways to Estonia were identified. The results confirm that destinations may appear on different geographical levels, smaller destination areas inside Estonia can be distinguished, visitors from different countries have different movement patterns and Tallinn is the main gateway to Estonia. Thus, the results illustrate that destination can be analysed empirically using the spatiotemporal pattern of visits from mobile positioning data. Therefore, destination no longer has to be a static geographical area, on the contrary, destination is a dynamic unit that changes in time and space and may vary among visitors.
Destination is the fundamental unit in tourism research, development and marketing. Most frequently it is seen as a fixed geographical area where tourists go. This static view is not helpful in making adequate management and marketing decisions. Practitioners are mostly interested in who, when and where are visiting the destinations. Thus, in this thesis destinations are analysed based on the movement of visitors. Recent rapid advancements in ICT-based technologies have opened up several new opportunities to collect data about human mobility, including tourists. In this thesis, passive mobile positioning data are used to analyse the movements of foreign tourists’ in Estonia. Mobile positioning data are automatically collected by mobile network operators for billing purposes and consist of the time and location of call activities (e.g., phone call, SMS) made in Estonia, and the country of origin of the visitor. The comparison of results derived from mobile data with official accommodation statistics shows a strong correlation. For the detailed destination analysis, the spatial and temporal dimension of visits among different countries of origin were analysed, and based on the movement of visitors the main gateways to Estonia were identified. The results confirm that destinations may appear on different geographical levels, smaller destination areas inside Estonia can be distinguished, visitors from different countries have different movement patterns and Tallinn is the main gateway to Estonia. Thus, the results illustrate that destination can be analysed empirically using the spatiotemporal pattern of visits from mobile positioning data. Therefore, destination no longer has to be a static geographical area, on the contrary, destination is a dynamic unit that changes in time and space and may vary among visitors.
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mobile positioning, tourism destinations, tourism, Estonia