Epidemiology of severe injuries in Estonia
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Vigastussurmade tõttu kaotatud eluaastate hulk on suurem kui kasvajate ja südamehaiguste tõttu kaotatud eluaastate hulk kokku (Trunkey 1983). WHO andmetel hukkub trauma tõttu maailmas keegi iga kuue sekundi järel (WHO 2015). Vigastussurmade osakaal Eestis on üks Euroopa Liidu kõrgemaid (Eurosafe 2013, 2014, 2016).
Käesoleva doktoritöö eesmärgiks oli uurida raskelt vigastatud patsientide demograafilisi andmeid ja tulemeid Eestis. Raske vigastus on defineeritud maailmas laialdaselt kasutatud Injury Severity Score’ (vigastuse raskuse skoor) alusel.
Raskelt vigastatud haiged suunatakse spetsialiseerunud traumakeskustesse, mida Eestis esindavad Põhja-Eesti Regionaalhaigla ja Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikum. Haigete elulemus oli Eesti traumakeskuste vahel sarnane. Eesti traumasüsteem on ajas oluliselt arenenud, mida peegeldab oluliselt parem elulemus viimastel aastatel võrreldes varasema perioodiga taasiseseisvumise järgselt. Kõige enam vigastussurmasid toimus sündmuskohal, mis näitab ennetuse olulisust. Sagedasim surmapõhjus oli ajuvigastus, millele järgnes veritsussurm. Autoõnnetus oli peamine traumamehhanism vigastussurma korral. Traumade korral esines väga suurel hulgal (51%) patsientidel alkoholijoove, mis näitab vajadust pidevaks riiklikuks alkoholipoliitikaks.
Traumatic deaths contribute to more years of life lost globally compared to cancer and cardiac related deaths combined (Trunkey 1983). It is estimated, that after every six seconds someone deceases secondary to an injury accounting for more than five million trauma related deaths every year (WHO 2015). Injury-related deaths in Estonia are among highest in the European Union (Eurosafe 2013, 2014, 2016). The current thesis investigated severely injured patients in Estonia with severe injury defined per worldwide utilized anatomical score Injury Severity Score. Severely injured patients are admitted to the North Estonia Medical Centre or Tartu University Hospital representing Level I trauma centers in Estonia. Outcomes in the management of severely injured patients were similar between Estonian trauma centers. Estonian trauma system has developed significantly in time comparing nineties and recent years. Highest proportion of severely injured patients died on scene showing the importance of prevention. Most frequent cause of death was head injuries followed by bleeding related deaths. Motor-vehicle accidents were the leading mechanism of injury after traumatic deaths. A very high proportion of patients (51%) had a positive blood alcohol level in the moment of death warranting continuous national preventive measures.
Traumatic deaths contribute to more years of life lost globally compared to cancer and cardiac related deaths combined (Trunkey 1983). It is estimated, that after every six seconds someone deceases secondary to an injury accounting for more than five million trauma related deaths every year (WHO 2015). Injury-related deaths in Estonia are among highest in the European Union (Eurosafe 2013, 2014, 2016). The current thesis investigated severely injured patients in Estonia with severe injury defined per worldwide utilized anatomical score Injury Severity Score. Severely injured patients are admitted to the North Estonia Medical Centre or Tartu University Hospital representing Level I trauma centers in Estonia. Outcomes in the management of severely injured patients were similar between Estonian trauma centers. Estonian trauma system has developed significantly in time comparing nineties and recent years. Highest proportion of severely injured patients died on scene showing the importance of prevention. Most frequent cause of death was head injuries followed by bleeding related deaths. Motor-vehicle accidents were the leading mechanism of injury after traumatic deaths. A very high proportion of patients (51%) had a positive blood alcohol level in the moment of death warranting continuous national preventive measures.
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injuries, mortality, epidemiologic studies, Estonia