Videokaameraga Siberis: vaatlev dokumentaalfilm kui audiovisuaalne etnograafia
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Väitekirja eesmärk on analüüsida vaatleva dokumentaalfilmi võimalusi etnograafilise uurimistöö läbiviimisel ja tulemuste esitamisel. Väitekiri koosneb sissejuhatavast osast, milles käsitletakse vaatleva filmi epistemoloogilis-metodoloogilist iseloomu ning neljast artiklist, milles avatakse kolme Siberis tehtud dokumentaalfilmi konteksti. Vaatleva filmi tegemine on eetilis-esteetiline uurimisviis, mis eelistab pikki kaadreid, väldib lavastamist ja intervjueerimist, ning kasutab ära filmimeediumile omast narratiivsust ja performatiivsust. Vaatleva etnograafilise dokumentaalfilmi autor, kes on tavaliselt nii filmi režissöör-operaator kui ka monteerija, ei jälgi inimeste elu distantsilt, vaid osaleb kaameraga aktiivselt sündmustes. Tema eesmärgiks on kaameratöö ja montaaži abil näidata oma arusaama filmitavate kogemustest, jäädes samas avatuks vaataja tõlgendustele. Vaatlev filmitegemine pakub mitmete teemade käsitlemisel tekstikesksele antropoloogiale olulist täiendust. See sobib inimkogemuse erinevate aspektide analüüsimiseks ja edasiandmiseks ning pakub häid võimalusi mitmete fenomenoloogilise antropoloogia uurimisteemade käsitlemisel. Film on sobiv vahend keha – selle fenomenoloogilise antropoloogia peamise analüüsiobjekti ja -vahendi – rakendamiseks etnograafilises uurimistöös. Samamoodi fenomenoloogilise antropoloogia pooldajatega usuvad ka vaatlevas stiilis töötavad filmitegijad, et keha on platvorm, millest lähtub maailma kogemine: just kehalise kogemuse jagamise kaudu on nii filmitegija/uurija kui ka publik võimeline mõistma kultuurilist Teist. Eriti suur potentsiaal on etnograafilisel filmil selliste inimliku kogemuse aspektide analüüsimisel nagu aistingud, emotsioonid, suhestumine materiaalse ja esteetilise keskkonnaga ning üksikisiku agentsus, mida on üksnes kirjaliku teksti vahendusel keeruline uurida ja representeerida. Vaatlev etnograafiline dokumentaalfilm on hübriidne vorm, mis seisab väljakutsuvalt antropoloogia ja filmikunsti piiril, ärgitades uurijat-filmitegijat ära kasutama kahe uurimisviisi parimaid
The dissertation consists of an introduction to the epistemology and methodology of observational cinema and of four previously published articles that are based on experience gained in course of making three documentary films in different Siberian communities. Observational cinema is a specific ethical-aesthetic methodology of documentary filmmaking that favours long takes of spontaneous action, avoids directing and interviews, and relies on narrative and performative power of the film medium. The author of an observational film, who is usually the director and cinematographer as well as the editor, does not observe people’s lives from a distance but participates actively in the filmed events with a camera. Making an observational ethnographic documentary can be an effective means to study certain anthropological issues that are difficult to analyse and represent through written text alone. Observational ethnographic documentary has a particularly good potential for studying issues that are dealt with within phenomenological anthropology. Phenomenological anthropology emphasises the need to understand a person’s “lived experience”. In phenomenological anthropology, the body is not only an object of research, but also a platform for understanding the world – it is through relating corporeally to the embodied experience of research subjects that both the researcher and his or her audience are able to understand the cultural other. Filmmaking as a phenomenological research strategy is best suited to describing and understanding the role of the senses, emotions and individual agency in a specific socio-cultural context. Observational ethnographic filmmaking is a hybrid form that stands on the borderline between anthropology and cinema, encouraging the researcher-filmmaker to take advantage of the best features of both of these ways of understanding the world.
The dissertation consists of an introduction to the epistemology and methodology of observational cinema and of four previously published articles that are based on experience gained in course of making three documentary films in different Siberian communities. Observational cinema is a specific ethical-aesthetic methodology of documentary filmmaking that favours long takes of spontaneous action, avoids directing and interviews, and relies on narrative and performative power of the film medium. The author of an observational film, who is usually the director and cinematographer as well as the editor, does not observe people’s lives from a distance but participates actively in the filmed events with a camera. Making an observational ethnographic documentary can be an effective means to study certain anthropological issues that are difficult to analyse and represent through written text alone. Observational ethnographic documentary has a particularly good potential for studying issues that are dealt with within phenomenological anthropology. Phenomenological anthropology emphasises the need to understand a person’s “lived experience”. In phenomenological anthropology, the body is not only an object of research, but also a platform for understanding the world – it is through relating corporeally to the embodied experience of research subjects that both the researcher and his or her audience are able to understand the cultural other. Filmmaking as a phenomenological research strategy is best suited to describing and understanding the role of the senses, emotions and individual agency in a specific socio-cultural context. Observational ethnographic filmmaking is a hybrid form that stands on the borderline between anthropology and cinema, encouraging the researcher-filmmaker to take advantage of the best features of both of these ways of understanding the world.
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documentary films, visual anthropology, ethnography, Siberia