Interpersonal violence in Estonia: prevalence, impact on health and health behaviour
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Isikutevahelise vägivalla levimust ühiskonnas mõjutavad paljud erinevad tegurid, muuhulgas seda puudutavad hoiakud, sooline võrdõiguslikkus ning kehtivad seadused. Eestis on paraku siiani Euroopa suurim palgalõhe ning hoiakud on sageli ohvrit süüdistavad ja seeläbi toimepanijat õigustavad. Selle mõjul hakkab ohver nägema ennast kui juhtunu eest vastutavat ning vägivalla toimepanija jääb karistuseta. Õnneks on ajad muutumas ning järjest enam räägitakse nendest teemadest avalikult ning näiteks Eesti Vabariigi President Kersti Kaljulaid on korduvalt rõhutanud, et vägivald ei ole perekonna siseasi.
Vägivalla kogemine põhjustab palju valu ja kannatusi ning on seotud pikaajaliste negatiivsete tervisemõjudega. Kahjuks on Eestis ajaloolistel põhjustel võrreldes paljude teiste arenenud riikidega vägivalda võrdlemisi vähe uuritud. Selleks, et mõista paremini olukorda Eestis, kasutasime kahe rahavastikupõhise uuringu andmeid. Analüüsisime kokku ligi 3000 18–44aastase mehe ja naise elu jooksul kogetud vägivalda puudutavaid vastuseid.
Oma töös leidsime, et Eestis on isikutevaheline vägivald väga sage. Üle poole meestest ja naistest olid kogenud kas vaimset, füüsilist või seksuaalset vägivalda. Kusjuures kõige enam olid vastajad kogenud vägivalda lapsena. Analüüsisime vägivalla kogemise mustreid meeste ja naiste seas eraldi ning meie tulemused näitavad, et sarnaselt teistes riikides läbiviidud uuringutele, on ka Eestis mehed enamasti kogenud vaid füüsilist vägivalda. Võrreldes meestega kogevad naised enam erinevaid vägivallaliike koos ning märkimisväärselt sagedamini on nad kogenud seksuaalvägivalda.
Uurides tegureid, mis võiksid olla seotud vägivalla kogemisega täiskasvanuna leidsime, et nii meeste kui ka naiste seas oli oluline vägivalla kogemine lapsena. See näitab kui tähtsad on lapsepõlves nähtud, kogetud ja õpitud suhtemustrid. Lisaks leidsime, et vägivalda kogenud hindavad oma tervist pigem halvaks, neil esineb enam kroonilisi haiguseid, meeleolulangust, rahulolematust eluga, mure oma seksuaalelu pärast ja valu seksuaalvahekorra ajal. Vägivaldsete kogemuste hulga suurenemisel tugevnes negatiivne mõju tervisele.
Ideaalis tuleks kiiresti kaotada kõik vägivalda soodustavad hoiakud ja ühiskondlikud normid. Tegelikkuses on see aga pikaajaline ja järjepidevust vajav protsess. Käesolev teadustöö aitab tähelepanu juhtida sellele, millised on kõige probleemsemad kohad Eestis ning sellest lähtuvalt mida on võimalik teha vägivalla ennetamiseks või juba toimepandud vägivalla mõjude vähendamiseks.
The prevalence of interpersonal violence is associated with many different factors, such as gender equality, attitudes towards violence and laws regulating it. Some of these areas are still problematic in Estonia, for example, we have the highest pay gap in the EU and victim blaming attitudes are still very common. Exposure to violence causes pain and suffering to the victims and has been associated different negative health consequences. Unfortunately, in comparison with many other developed countries, little research on violence has been carried out in Estonia. In order to understand how common violence in Estonia is and how it affects people, we analysed the responses of nearly 3000 men and women aged 18–44 from two population-based surveys. We found that interpersonal violence in Estonia is very common. Over half of men and women had been exposed to at least one form of violence and most often it took place in childhood. Although it is often thought that childhood is the safest period in life, the reality is unfortunately often quite the opposite. Children cannot choose the environment where they grow up, neither they have the means to leave violent situation. When analysing risk factors for violence we learned, that among both men and women exposure to violence in childhood was strongly associated with higher risk for exposure to violence in adulthood. This shows the importance of the social environment where children grow up. Similarly to other countries, in Estonia men had been victims of physical violence alone; women were more often exposed to combinations of different forms of violence. Women were also more often victims of sexual violence, during lifetime the prevalence was 4.4% among men and 22.9% among women. We found that those exposed to violence had more often poor health and limited daily activities due to chronic disease. They also had more often feelings of depression, dissatisfaction with life, were more worried about their sexual life and had painful intercourses. With more exposures to different forms of violence, the negative impact on health increased. In an ideal world, we should quickly abolish all social norms and attitudes which justify and allow the occurrence of violence. In reality, this work takes time and needs consistent effort. This research draws attention to the most problematic aspects, which we should take into account when planning future violence prevention strategies and interventions for violence survivors.
The prevalence of interpersonal violence is associated with many different factors, such as gender equality, attitudes towards violence and laws regulating it. Some of these areas are still problematic in Estonia, for example, we have the highest pay gap in the EU and victim blaming attitudes are still very common. Exposure to violence causes pain and suffering to the victims and has been associated different negative health consequences. Unfortunately, in comparison with many other developed countries, little research on violence has been carried out in Estonia. In order to understand how common violence in Estonia is and how it affects people, we analysed the responses of nearly 3000 men and women aged 18–44 from two population-based surveys. We found that interpersonal violence in Estonia is very common. Over half of men and women had been exposed to at least one form of violence and most often it took place in childhood. Although it is often thought that childhood is the safest period in life, the reality is unfortunately often quite the opposite. Children cannot choose the environment where they grow up, neither they have the means to leave violent situation. When analysing risk factors for violence we learned, that among both men and women exposure to violence in childhood was strongly associated with higher risk for exposure to violence in adulthood. This shows the importance of the social environment where children grow up. Similarly to other countries, in Estonia men had been victims of physical violence alone; women were more often exposed to combinations of different forms of violence. Women were also more often victims of sexual violence, during lifetime the prevalence was 4.4% among men and 22.9% among women. We found that those exposed to violence had more often poor health and limited daily activities due to chronic disease. They also had more often feelings of depression, dissatisfaction with life, were more worried about their sexual life and had painful intercourses. With more exposures to different forms of violence, the negative impact on health increased. In an ideal world, we should quickly abolish all social norms and attitudes which justify and allow the occurrence of violence. In reality, this work takes time and needs consistent effort. This research draws attention to the most problematic aspects, which we should take into account when planning future violence prevention strategies and interventions for violence survivors.
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human relations, violence, health behavior, prevalence (statistics), health risks, Estonia