Plasticity of the unit ball of a Banach space
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Selles bakalaureusetöös vaadeldakse väljakutsuvat lahtist küsimust Banachi ruumi ühikkera plastilisusest. Töös antakse ülevaade probleemist ja laiendatakse osaliste positiivsete tulemuste nimekirja, tõestades ühikkera plastilisuse ruumis c. Samuti saadakse üks nõrgem omadus ruumi c0 ühikkera jaoks – tõestatakse, et mittelaiendav bijektsioon on isomeetria, kui selle pöördkujutus on pidev.
In this bachelor’s thesis, we consider a challenging open problem of whether the unit ball of every Banach space is a plastic metric space. We give an overview of the problem and extend the list of partial positive results by proving the plasticity of the unit ball of c. We also obtain a slightly weaker property for the unit ball of c0 – we prove that a non-expansive bijection is an isometry, provided that it has a continuous inverse.
In this bachelor’s thesis, we consider a challenging open problem of whether the unit ball of every Banach space is a plastic metric space. We give an overview of the problem and extend the list of partial positive results by proving the plasticity of the unit ball of c. We also obtain a slightly weaker property for the unit ball of c0 – we prove that a non-expansive bijection is an isometry, provided that it has a continuous inverse.
bakalaureusetöö, funktsionaalanalüüs, Banachi ruumid, meetrilised ruumid, mittelineaarsed operaatorid, plastilisus