From full phrase to zero: a multifactorial, form-specific and crosslinguistic analysis of Estonian referential system
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Kõneldes peame ikka nimetama olendeid, asju ja muid entiteete, kes kõnealustes tegevustes osalevad. Entiteedile edukalt osutamiseks tuleb valida suhtlussituatsioonis sobiv viitevahend (sõna või fraas, nt üks õun, laps, see, ta), et kuulajal oleks lihtne sõnumit mõista. Tunnetuse ja keele seoseid uurivaid keeleteadlasi huvitab, millistest teguritest sõltub viitevahendi valik kindlas kontekstis. Doktoritöös ongi vaatluse all tüüpilised eesti keele viitevahendid, et välja selgitada, millised tegurid mõjutavad viitevahendi valikut. Analüüsitav andmestik hõlmab nii suulist kui kirjalikku keelekasutust ja nii katseliselt kogutud kui loomulikku teksti.
Doktoritööst selgub, et eri viitevahendite kasutusmustrite selgitamiseks on kasulik lähtuda viitefraasi kitsamast tüübist ja ühtlasi mitmest tegurist korraga. Need tegurid võivad olla tähenduse või kasutuskonteksti põhised. Näiteks on isikulise asesõna ta kasutus tavaline, kui referent on elus, näitava asesõna see esinemine on aga seotud referendi mainimiskorraga ja eelmise mainimise kaugusega. Teisalt võivad tegurid olla grammatilised, näiteks nullviitamine (ø sõi õuna) on eesti keeles seotud lausetüübi, lauseliikme ning käändega. Grammatika- ja tähendustasandi tunnused võivad ka kombineeruda, näiteks näeme seda määramata (üks poiss) ja määratud (see poiss) fraaside valikut mõjutavate tegurite komplektis.
Doktoritöös on eesti viitevahendite süsteemi kõrvutatud soome ja vene keele omaga. Selgub, et nendes keeltes on eri tüüpi viitevahendite kasutussagedused sarnased, kuid märgatavalt erinevad on grammatikasüsteemis sarnase nimega viitevahendite (nt näitavate asesõnade) funktsioonid. Sarnase viitevahendi valikut mõjutavad keeltes erinevad tegurid ja sarnased tegurid võivad avaldada mõju erinevatele viitevahenditele. Seega toetuvad eri keelte kõnelejad erinevatele viitamispraktikatele, mida kujundavad keele grammatika, eri vahendite kasutussagedus üldiselt ning kõnesituatsioon ja kontekst.
When we talk, we always refer to persons, things and other entities who are involved in the described actions. It is important to choose a suitable referring expression (e.g., an apple, child, this, he) in a particular speech situation, so that a hearer can easily understand the message. Linguists who study the relationship between language and cognition seek which factors, be they grammatical, semantic, or pragmatic, affect referential choice. This thesis also derives from this question and aims to explain the underlying factors that affect the choice of typical referential expressions in Estonian. The data includes spoken and written language, and experimentally elicited as well as natural text. The results suggest that it is effective to explain the referential patterns based on the specific type of referential expression and several factors at once. These factors may relate to meaning or usage context. For example, Estonian personal pronoun ta ‘s/he’ tends to refer to animate entities, whereas demonstrative pronoun see ‘this’ depend on the referent’s mention order and distance with previous mention. Grammatical factors are relevant, too. For instance, the use of zero reference (ø ate an apple) depends on clause type, syntactic role and case form. Grammar and meaning-related factors may also combine, as Estonian definite and indefinite determiners illustrate. Estonian referential system is contrasted to Finnish and Russian ones in the thesis. The findings show that while usage frequencies of types of referential devices are similar, there are important differences in the exact functions of devices with similar names (e.g., demonstrative pronouns). Different factors affect the choice of a particular device across languages. Also, the same factor may influence different devices. In sum, speakers of different languages rely on different referential practices, which in turn depend on a language’s grammar, usage frequencies of the devices, and speech situation in general.
When we talk, we always refer to persons, things and other entities who are involved in the described actions. It is important to choose a suitable referring expression (e.g., an apple, child, this, he) in a particular speech situation, so that a hearer can easily understand the message. Linguists who study the relationship between language and cognition seek which factors, be they grammatical, semantic, or pragmatic, affect referential choice. This thesis also derives from this question and aims to explain the underlying factors that affect the choice of typical referential expressions in Estonian. The data includes spoken and written language, and experimentally elicited as well as natural text. The results suggest that it is effective to explain the referential patterns based on the specific type of referential expression and several factors at once. These factors may relate to meaning or usage context. For example, Estonian personal pronoun ta ‘s/he’ tends to refer to animate entities, whereas demonstrative pronoun see ‘this’ depend on the referent’s mention order and distance with previous mention. Grammatical factors are relevant, too. For instance, the use of zero reference (ø ate an apple) depends on clause type, syntactic role and case form. Grammar and meaning-related factors may also combine, as Estonian definite and indefinite determiners illustrate. Estonian referential system is contrasted to Finnish and Russian ones in the thesis. The findings show that while usage frequencies of types of referential devices are similar, there are important differences in the exact functions of devices with similar names (e.g., demonstrative pronouns). Different factors affect the choice of a particular device across languages. Also, the same factor may influence different devices. In sum, speakers of different languages rely on different referential practices, which in turn depend on a language’s grammar, usage frequencies of the devices, and speech situation in general.
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Estonian language, reference (linguistics), narrative, language usage, discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, cognitive linguistics