Enteral nutrition, gastrointestinal dysfunction and intestinal biomarkers in critically ill patients
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Organpuudulikkuste diagnoosimine ja ravi on üks intensiivravi nurgakividest, kuid seedetrakti puudulikkus on ebapiisavalt defineeritud ning diagnoosimine põhineb siiani peamiselt subjektiivsel kliinilisel läbivaatusel. Võimalikud ravimeetodid seedetrakti probleemide lahendamiseks intensiivravipatsientidel ning nende tõenduspõhisus on vähesed. Uurimistöö keskendus enteraalse toitmisravi läbiviimisele ja jälgimisele, seedetrakti düsfunktsiooni ja puudulikkuse diagnoosimisele ja mõju selgitamisele ning kõrgenenud kõhukoopasisese rõhu ravivõimaluste uurimisele intensiivravihaigetel.
Leidsime, et pärast enteraalse toitmise protokolli kasutuselevõttu manustati intensiivravipatsientidele esimese nädala jooksul oluliselt rohkem toiduenergiat enteraalse toitmise teel ilma komplikatsioonide sagenemiseta. Samaaegselt aga vähenes veenisisene toitmine ning kokkuvõttes ka nädala summaarne toiduenergia hulk. Tulemused viitavad vajadusele toitmisravi komplekssemalt planeerida. Järgmises uuringus järeldasime, et soole funktsiooni peegeldava biomarkeri tsitrulliini ning kahjustuse markeri I-FABP-i määramine ei võimalda enteraalse toitmisravi edukust hinnata ning nende roll toitmisravi juhtimisel on hetkel ebaselge.
Kõrgenenud kõhukoopasisene rõhk on intensiivravipatsientidel sage probleem, mille ilmnemine on seotud kehvemate ravitulemustega, kuid ravivõtted on piiratud. Meie uurimistöö osutab ühe ravimeetodi, sedatsiooni süvendamise, vähesele toimele ja võimalikele kõrvaltoimetele. Kuivõrd ligi veerandil patsientidest on raviefekt siiski hea, võib seda ravivõtet vajaduse korral kaaluda.
Seedetrakti puudulikkuse teke on seotud halvemate ravitulemustega. Nii primaarne, st kõhukoopa patoloogiaga seotud, kui sekundaarne, muu põhjusega seedetrakti puudulikkus on seotud kõrge suremusega. Sekundaarse põhjusega seedetrakti puudulikkuse juhud leiavad sagedamini aset hilisemal intensiivraviperioodil, patsientide seisund on raskem ning ravitulemused võivad olla kehvemad. Töötasime välja seedetrakti sümptomite ja kõrgenenud kõhukoopasisese rõhu raskusastmete kombinatsioonil põhineva kliinilise skoori seedetrakti düsfunktsiooni hindamiseks, mis on vajalik nii kliinilises kui teadustöös. Skoori võime ennustada suremust oli hea ning järgmise sammuna on vajalik valideerimisuuring.
The diagnosis and treatment of organ failures is a cornerstone of intensive care. Gastrointestinal failure is insufficiently defined and diagnosis is mostly based on subjective clinical assessment. Treatment options of gastrointestinal problems are limited and the underlying evidence poor. Research in this dissertation focused on the management of enteral nutrition, the diagnosis and impact of gastrointestinal dysfunction and the treatment of intra-abdominal hypertension. After implementing an enteral feeding protocol, significantly more calories were delivered via the enteral route during the first week of intensive care without an increase in complications. In parallel, the delivery of parenteral calories decreased and overall less calories were provided during the first week. This highlights the need to plan for more comprehensive planning of nutritional interventions. Intra-abdominal hypertension is frequent in intensive care patients and associated with worse outcomes. Deepening of sedation as a treatment option has an overall small effect on intra-abdominal pressure, but may cause hemodynamic disturbances. Nevertheless, deeper sedation decreases intra-abdominal pressure by a greater amount in some patients and therefore this method can be considered if treatment is needed. Development of gastrointestinal failure is associated with poor treatment outcomes. Both primary and secondary gastrointestinal failure are related to high mortality. Secondary gastrointestinal failure tends to occur later in the course of critical illness in more severely ill patients and may carry a worse prognosis. A clinical score to quantify gastrointestinal dysfunction was developed based on gastrointestinal symptoms and intra-abdominal hypertension. The ability of the score to predict mortality was good and as a next step, validation studies are needed.
The diagnosis and treatment of organ failures is a cornerstone of intensive care. Gastrointestinal failure is insufficiently defined and diagnosis is mostly based on subjective clinical assessment. Treatment options of gastrointestinal problems are limited and the underlying evidence poor. Research in this dissertation focused on the management of enteral nutrition, the diagnosis and impact of gastrointestinal dysfunction and the treatment of intra-abdominal hypertension. After implementing an enteral feeding protocol, significantly more calories were delivered via the enteral route during the first week of intensive care without an increase in complications. In parallel, the delivery of parenteral calories decreased and overall less calories were provided during the first week. This highlights the need to plan for more comprehensive planning of nutritional interventions. Intra-abdominal hypertension is frequent in intensive care patients and associated with worse outcomes. Deepening of sedation as a treatment option has an overall small effect on intra-abdominal pressure, but may cause hemodynamic disturbances. Nevertheless, deeper sedation decreases intra-abdominal pressure by a greater amount in some patients and therefore this method can be considered if treatment is needed. Development of gastrointestinal failure is associated with poor treatment outcomes. Both primary and secondary gastrointestinal failure are related to high mortality. Secondary gastrointestinal failure tends to occur later in the course of critical illness in more severely ill patients and may carry a worse prognosis. A clinical score to quantify gastrointestinal dysfunction was developed based on gastrointestinal symptoms and intra-abdominal hypertension. The ability of the score to predict mortality was good and as a next step, validation studies are needed.
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intensive care, patients, enteral nutrition, digestive tract, organ failure, intra-abdominal hypertension, biomarkers