Implementation and effectiveness of new prenatal diagnostic strategies in Estonia
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Sünnieelsete sõeluuringute eesmärgiks on selgitada välja rasedad, kellel on suurenenud risk sünnitada kromosoomhaiguse või kaasasündinud arenguhäirega laps ning pakkuda riskigrupile täpsustavaid diagnostilisi analüüse. Esmaseks sünnieelseks kromosoomhaiguste sõeltestiks on Eestis esimese trimestri kombineeritud sõeluuring (KS). Käesoleva töö käigus uurisime esimese trimestri KS diagnostilist efektiivsust 14 566 rasedal standardiseeritud protokolli alusel. Käesoleva töö trisoomia 21 sünnieelne avastamismäär oli 94%, trisoomia 18 ja trisoomia 13 avastati 100%-l juhtudest. KS kõrge riski korral on vajalik lootel kromosoomhaigus kinnitada diagnostilise meetodiga. Klassikaline karüotüpiseerimine on olnud kromosoomhaiguste diagnoosimisel esmaseks testiks. Selle meetodi peamine puudus on madal eraldusvõime, mis ei võimalda tuvastada submikroskoopilisi kromosomaalseid muutusi. Kromosomaalne mikrokiibi analüüs (KMA) tuvastab kogu genoomi ulatuses DNA kadusid või lisakoopiaid 100 korda suurema lahutusvõimega kui klassikaline karüotüpiseerimine. Käesoleva töö käigus tegime 334 lootele KMA, mille efektiivsus ehk diagnostiline lisaväärtus oli 3,6%. Sünnieelse diagnostika suurim väljakutse on ultraheli uuringute käigus leitud loote kaasasündinud anomaaliate täpse tekkepõhjuse väljaselgitamine. Enamusel nendest juhtudest jääb etioloogiline põhjus teadmata. Järgmise põlvkonna sekveneerimismeetodid (NGS) annavad võimalust jõuda diagnoosini 8,5-81%-l juhtudest. Uurisime NGS efektiivsust 28 lootel ning avastasime 17,9%-l juhtudest geenimuutustest tingitud etioloogilise põhjuse. Töö kolmandas osas kirjeldasime kahte haruldast geneetilist sündroomi, mis avastati sünnieelselt, kasutades NGS meetodeid. Simpson-Golabi-Behmel sündroomi sünnieelset fenotüüpi kirjeldasime kolmel lootel ja Meckel-Gruberi sündroomi (MKS) sünnieelset fenotüüpi ühel lootel. MKS põhjusena leidsime seni kirjeldamata TXNDC15 geeni patogeenset variandi.
The main aim of prenatal screening (PS) programs is to identify pregnancies that are at high-risk of being affected by a disease and to offer diagnostic options to these women. First-trimester combined screening (cFTS) is used in Estonia as primary PS from year 2016. During the study cFTS effectiveness was evaluated in 14,566 pregnancies, using standardized protocol. Prenatal detection rate for trisomy 21 was 94%, for trisomy 18 and trisomy 13 it was 100%. After a high-risk result from PS confirmation or exclusion of chromosomal disease is needed. Conventional karyotyping remained the first-tier diagnostic test for chromosomal disease for a long period. However, a major problem with this method was its low resolution, which did not allow the diagnosis of submicroscopic rearrangements. Chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) is a DNA-based technology that detects genome-wide DNA losses or gains, copy-number variants, at a 100-fold higher resolution than karyotyping. During this study CMA diagnostic performance was evaluated in 334 fetuses. Additional diagnostic yield of CMA was 3.6% in the whole study group. One of the greatest challenges in prenatal diagnosis is to reach a definitive diagnosis in cases of fetal congenital anomalies that are discovered by ultrasound examination. In majority of these cases, we are unable to find etiological cause of the disease. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) methods give us an opportunity to find etiological cause in 8.5-81% of the cases. In this study, we evaluated NGS diagnostic effectiveness in a group of 28 fetuses with different congenital anomalies. We found disease related gene variants in 17.9% of the cases. In the third part of this work, we also describe two rare genetic syndromes, which were prenatally diagnosed, using NGS methods. Prenatal phenotype of Simson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome was evaluated in three fetuses. Prenatal phenotype of Meckel-Gruber syndrome was described in one fetus with novel pathogenic variant in TXNDC15 gene.
The main aim of prenatal screening (PS) programs is to identify pregnancies that are at high-risk of being affected by a disease and to offer diagnostic options to these women. First-trimester combined screening (cFTS) is used in Estonia as primary PS from year 2016. During the study cFTS effectiveness was evaluated in 14,566 pregnancies, using standardized protocol. Prenatal detection rate for trisomy 21 was 94%, for trisomy 18 and trisomy 13 it was 100%. After a high-risk result from PS confirmation or exclusion of chromosomal disease is needed. Conventional karyotyping remained the first-tier diagnostic test for chromosomal disease for a long period. However, a major problem with this method was its low resolution, which did not allow the diagnosis of submicroscopic rearrangements. Chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) is a DNA-based technology that detects genome-wide DNA losses or gains, copy-number variants, at a 100-fold higher resolution than karyotyping. During this study CMA diagnostic performance was evaluated in 334 fetuses. Additional diagnostic yield of CMA was 3.6% in the whole study group. One of the greatest challenges in prenatal diagnosis is to reach a definitive diagnosis in cases of fetal congenital anomalies that are discovered by ultrasound examination. In majority of these cases, we are unable to find etiological cause of the disease. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) methods give us an opportunity to find etiological cause in 8.5-81% of the cases. In this study, we evaluated NGS diagnostic effectiveness in a group of 28 fetuses with different congenital anomalies. We found disease related gene variants in 17.9% of the cases. In the third part of this work, we also describe two rare genetic syndromes, which were prenatally diagnosed, using NGS methods. Prenatal phenotype of Simson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome was evaluated in three fetuses. Prenatal phenotype of Meckel-Gruber syndrome was described in one fetus with novel pathogenic variant in TXNDC15 gene.
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prenatal diagnosis, prenatal screening, efficacy, assessment, chromosomal disorders, Estonia