The entangled gap: the male Estonian citizen and the interconnections between civilian and military spheres in society
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Julgeolekupoliitikas on Eesti lähtunud juba mitmeid aastaid avarast käsitlusest, mis hõlmab kõiki julgeolekuks olulisi valdkondi ning mida viiakse ellu, lähenedes ühiskonnale ja valitsusele kui tervikule. Sõjaline kaitse on vaid üks sammas avaras julgeoleku-kontseptsioonis, kuid ka siin rõhutatakse, et Eesti riigikaitse toetub laiapindsuse põhimõttele.
Doktoritöö käsitleb meesoost Eesti kodaniku kokkupuuteid kaitsevaldkonnaga, tuues välja erinevad tsiviil- ja militaarsfääride lõimumise kohad tema elu jooksul. Tavateadmine sedastab, et Eesti meeste militaarsfääriga kokkupuudetest valdav enamik piirduvad vaid ajateenistuse läbimise ja mõne reservõppekogunemisega, kuid tõenäoline on, et neid põimpunkte on üksjagu rohkem, kuid nende iseloom ei ole nii selgepiiriline ja kohe äratuntav.
Tavapärased tsiviil- ja militaarsuhete käsitlemise raamistikud selliseks uuringuks väga hästi ei sobi, sest klassikaliselt on tegemist pigem politoloogia valdkonnast lähtuvate teooriatega, mille fookuses on eelkõige poliitiline- ja militaareliit. Paremal juhul on ühiskond nendesse teooriatesse kaasatud vaid laiemal ja abstraktsemal viisil.
Oma doktoritöös pakun välja tsiviil- ja militaarpõimikute analüüsiraamistiku, mille toimimist analüüsin väitekirja alusartiklite tekstide põhjal. Töö tulemusena leian, et erinevalt klassikalistest lähenemistest võimaldab pakutud analüüsiraamistik paremini välja tuua tsiviil- ja militaarsfääride lõimituse ning erinevate põimikute olulisuse meesoost Eesti kodaniku elus.
For many years, Estonia has taken a comprehensive approach to security policy, which encompasses all fields essential to national security and is implemented through an approach that considers society and government as a whole. In Estonia, military defence – just one pillar in the comprehensive security approach – also emphasizes a broad-based approach. This doctoral dissertation treats the connections between male Estonian citizens and the defence sector, highlighting various intersections between the civil and military spheres over the men’s lifetime. Conventional theory holds that the overwhelming majority of contacts between Estonian males and the military sphere are limited to compulsory military service and a few reservist training call-ups, but it is likely that there are actually more interactions – ones that are not as clearly defined and readily identifiable. Conventional frameworks for studying civil-military relations, being grounded in political science and focusing mainly on the political and military elite, were not ideal for this study, which examines the lives of servicemen. At best, society is incorporated into the political science-based approach only in a broad and abstract manner. In my dissertation, I therefore propose a new framework for understanding civil-military relations. On the basis of the research, I conclude that compared to the classical approach, the novel analytical framework of civil-military entanglements nexus, allows a more insightful look at the civil-military nexus
For many years, Estonia has taken a comprehensive approach to security policy, which encompasses all fields essential to national security and is implemented through an approach that considers society and government as a whole. In Estonia, military defence – just one pillar in the comprehensive security approach – also emphasizes a broad-based approach. This doctoral dissertation treats the connections between male Estonian citizens and the defence sector, highlighting various intersections between the civil and military spheres over the men’s lifetime. Conventional theory holds that the overwhelming majority of contacts between Estonian males and the military sphere are limited to compulsory military service and a few reservist training call-ups, but it is likely that there are actually more interactions – ones that are not as clearly defined and readily identifiable. Conventional frameworks for studying civil-military relations, being grounded in political science and focusing mainly on the political and military elite, were not ideal for this study, which examines the lives of servicemen. At best, society is incorporated into the political science-based approach only in a broad and abstract manner. In my dissertation, I therefore propose a new framework for understanding civil-military relations. On the basis of the research, I conclude that compared to the classical approach, the novel analytical framework of civil-military entanglements nexus, allows a more insightful look at the civil-military nexus
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Estonia, national defence, men, civil-military cooperation, comprehensive approach