Impact of elevated atmospheric humidity on the structure of the water transport pathway in deciduous trees
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Vesi etendab taimede elus erakordselt suurt rolli, muutes võimalikuks fotosünteesi toimumise, kasvu ja ellujäämise. Vesi liigub puudes mööda juhtkudet – ksüleemi, mis koosneb trahheedest ja trahheiididest ning mis moodustavad suurima osa taimesisesest veetranspordi teekonnast. Erinevad keskkonnafaktorid mõjutavad veetransporditee ehitust ja seeläbi ka selle veejuhtimisvõimet. Põhja-Euroopale ennustatakse käesoleva sajandi jooksul sademete hulga ja sageduse suurenemist, millega kaasneb atmosfääri õhuniiskuse tõus. Doktoritöös uurisin, kuidas suurenev õhuniiskus mõjutab ksüleemi ja õhulõhede ehitust ning veetranspordi efektiivsust. Andmed doktoritööks koguti Metsaökosüsteemi õhuniiskusega manipuleerimise (Free Air Humidity Manipulation, FAHM) katsealalt Rõkal, Ida-Eestis. FAHMi katsealal uuriti kahte lehtpuuliiki hübriidhaava (Populus tremula L. × P. tremuloides Michx.) ja arukaske (Betula pendula Roth). Doktoritööst selgus, et suuremas õhuniiskuses kasvanud lehtpuude ksüleemi ehituses toimusid muutused, mis vähendasid veetranspordi efektiivsust. Niisutustöötluses kasvanud puudes on transpiratsioonivoog väiksem ja seetõttu ei teki keskkonna survet niivõrd efektiivse veetranspordisüsteemi väljakujunemiseks. Kahanenud hüdrauliline efektiivsus võib hakata limiteerima puude gaasivahetust ja pidurdama kasvu. Hoolimata väikestest muutustest ksüleemi anatoomias, on uuritud lehtpuuliikide puidu ehitus keskkonnamuutuste suhtes suhteliselt konservatiivne. Suurenenud õhuniiskus ei mõjutanud hübriidhaava ksüleemi kavitatsioonikindlust. Seega ei kujuta regionaalsed kliimatrendid puude veejuhtesüsteemi funktsionaalse stabiilsuse vaates hübriidhaava puistutele tulevikus ohtu. Töös leidsin veel, et kõrgenenud õhuniiskuse tingimustes kasvanud hübriidhaabadel suurenes tüves radiaalsete säsikiirte hulk, mis põhjustab säilitushingamise suurenemist ja vähem ressursse jääb kasvuks. Suurenenud õhuniiskus mõjutab ka puudesisest biomassi jaotust: suureneb biomassi allokatsioon juhtkudedesse lehestiku suhtes. See aitab kompenseerida tüvepuidu vähenenud hüdraulilist efektiivsust.
Plants need water because it is essential resource in order to keep up photosynthesis, grow and survive. Water moves in plants along vascular tissue – xylem, which consists of vessels and tracheids and forms the largest part of plants' water transport pathway. Various environmental factors may affect the structure of water transport system and consequently its water conducting capacity. In northern Europe amount and frequency of precipitation is predicted to rise during this century. This brings along increase in relative air humidity on local or regional scales. In the thesis, I studied how increasing relative air humidity affects structure of xylem and stomata, which influence efficiency of water transport. The data for doctoral thesis was collected from Free Air Humidity Manipulation experimental site situated at Rõka village, eastern Estonia, where two deciduous tree species silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) and hybrid aspen (Populus tremula L. × P. tremuloides Michx.) were studied. I found that increased air humidity causes changes in anatomical structure of stems and leaves of broadleaved trees that leads to lower hydraulic efficiency of their water transport system. Trees grown in conditions of elevated air humidity experience reduced transpirational water flux and thus there is no strong environmental pressure for the development of efficient water transport system. The reduced hydraulic efficiency may limit gas exchange and growth rate of trees. Despite of some slight changes in xylem traits, generally wood anatomical structure of studied broadleaves tree species is conservative with respect to climate trends. Xylem susceptibility to cavitation was not affected by humidification treatment in hybrid aspen. Thus, the functional vulnerability of stem-wood does not represent a potential threat to hybrid aspen in the light of long-term regional climate trends. Elevated air humidity caused increase in the share of ray parenchyma in hybrid aspen stems that enhances respiration costs leaving less resource to sustain growth processes. Increased air humidity induced changes in biomass allocation in favour of vascular tissues, which can be treated as a mechanism compensating for reduced hydraulic efficiency of stem-wood.
Plants need water because it is essential resource in order to keep up photosynthesis, grow and survive. Water moves in plants along vascular tissue – xylem, which consists of vessels and tracheids and forms the largest part of plants' water transport pathway. Various environmental factors may affect the structure of water transport system and consequently its water conducting capacity. In northern Europe amount and frequency of precipitation is predicted to rise during this century. This brings along increase in relative air humidity on local or regional scales. In the thesis, I studied how increasing relative air humidity affects structure of xylem and stomata, which influence efficiency of water transport. The data for doctoral thesis was collected from Free Air Humidity Manipulation experimental site situated at Rõka village, eastern Estonia, where two deciduous tree species silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) and hybrid aspen (Populus tremula L. × P. tremuloides Michx.) were studied. I found that increased air humidity causes changes in anatomical structure of stems and leaves of broadleaved trees that leads to lower hydraulic efficiency of their water transport system. Trees grown in conditions of elevated air humidity experience reduced transpirational water flux and thus there is no strong environmental pressure for the development of efficient water transport system. The reduced hydraulic efficiency may limit gas exchange and growth rate of trees. Despite of some slight changes in xylem traits, generally wood anatomical structure of studied broadleaves tree species is conservative with respect to climate trends. Xylem susceptibility to cavitation was not affected by humidification treatment in hybrid aspen. Thus, the functional vulnerability of stem-wood does not represent a potential threat to hybrid aspen in the light of long-term regional climate trends. Elevated air humidity caused increase in the share of ray parenchyma in hybrid aspen stems that enhances respiration costs leaving less resource to sustain growth processes. Increased air humidity induced changes in biomass allocation in favour of vascular tissues, which can be treated as a mechanism compensating for reduced hydraulic efficiency of stem-wood.
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone
deciduous trees, water transport, xylem, stoma, plant anatomy, ecophysiology