Short- and long-term outcomes of surgical management of chronic pancreatitis
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Krooniline kõhunäärme põletik e pankreatiit (KP) on harv haigus – aastas haigestub ca 10 patsienti 100 000 inimese kohta. Patsientide peamisteks probleemideks on kõhuvalu ja/või KP tüsistused.
Doktoritöös uuriti: KP patsientide operatsioonijärgset elulemust, seda mõjutavaid faktoreid ja surma põhjuseid; patsiendil esinevaid KP tüsistusi ja nende kirurgilise ravi efektiivsust; võrreldi pankrease ja peensoole vahelise ühenduse lühikese ja pika variandi tulemusi.
Uuring põhines TÜK kirurgiakliinikus opereeritud 166 patsiendi andmetel.
Tulemused: KP tõttu opereeritud patsientidel oli suremus 1,8 korda suurem kui ülejäänud elanikkonnal, seejuures jätkuva alkoholi tarvitamise korral oli see 2,7 korda suurem.
Surmapõhjuste analüüsimisel selgus, et 75% patsientidest suri nende haiguste tüsistustesse, mille tekkeks on oluline roll alkoholi tarvitamisel ja/või suitsetamisel (nt. maksatsirroos, mürgistused, pahaloomulised kasvajad, ateroskleroosi tüsistused). KP tüsistused olid harva surma põhjuseks (4,2%).
Lisaks alkoholi tarvitamisele ja suitsetamisele, olid elulemuse määramisel olulised: kaasuvate haiguste, pankrease puudulikkuse, töötuse ja kehakaalu languse esinemine.
Tüsistuste uuringus võeti kasutusele uuenduslik klassifikaator, mis põhines tüsistuste tekkemehhanismil. See võimaldas sarnase tekkega tüsistusi grupeerida, mis omakorda võimaldas üldistavaid analüüse.
Uuring näitas, et tüsistuste peamisi tekkemehhanisme arvestav kirurgiline ravi on efektiivne olemasolevate tüsistuste kõrvaldamisel ja valdavalt ka uute tekke vältimisel.
Samas selgus, et ei ole ühte ideaalset operatsiooni meetodit kõikide situatsioonide jaoks – ühel operatsioonitüübil on ühed, teisel teised eelised. Patsiendi jaoks sobiva operatsiooni valikul tuleb lähtuda patsiendi kaebustest, pankrease anatoomilistest muutustest, tüsistuste laadist ning operatsiooni riskist.
Pankrease ja peensoolevahelise ühenduse uuring näitas, et lühike ühendus tagab ühtlaselt laienenud pankrease juha korral sama efektiivse valu taandumise kui pikk. Kuna lühikese ühenduse korral olid operatsiooni kestus ja riskid väiksemad, peaks see olema eelistatud meetod ühtlaselt laienenud pankrease juha korral.
Chronic pancreatitis (CP) is a relatively rare disease with annual incidence approximately 10 new cases per 100,000 persons. Patients usually suffer from chronic abdominal pain and/or complications of CP. Present study assessed: 1. Long-term survival, causes of death and impact of risk factors on survival; 2. Prevalence of complications of CP in a surgically treated cohort prior to and following surgical treatment; 3. The impact of surgical method on the occurrence of new complications of CP during follow-up, and through this assessment evaluated advantages and disadvantages of different surgical methods; 4. The possible advantages and disadvantages of short and long pancreatojejunostomy in treatment of CP. The study was based on data of 166 surgically treated patients with CP at Tartu University Hospital. Results: 1. Patients with surgically treated CP had standardized mortality ratio of 1.8, patients resuming moderate/heavy alcohol consumption after surgical treatment of CP had SMR of 2.7. 2. The major risk factors for death were alcohol consumption and smoking; high co-morbidity index; unemployment; and low BMI. 3. Alcohol-related and smoking-related non-pancreatic diseases caused the vast majority of deaths. CP-related mortality was low. 4. Defining common pathophysiological mechanisms, a novel pathophysiological classification of complications of CP is proposed. 5. This classification allows grouping of different complications and making general observations. It also demonstrated pros and cons of different surgical methods in the treatment of CP and revealed the impact of the type of the surgical method on the occurrence of new complications. 6. The presence and pathophysiological nature of complications should be among the main determinants in clinical decision making and in surgical choice. 7. In the treatment of patients with CP and a uniformly dilated pancreatic duct, short pancreatojejunostomy provides as effective pain relief as long anastomosis. While the perioperative characteristics of short anastomosis surpass those of long one, short anastomosis should be the preferred surgical option.
Chronic pancreatitis (CP) is a relatively rare disease with annual incidence approximately 10 new cases per 100,000 persons. Patients usually suffer from chronic abdominal pain and/or complications of CP. Present study assessed: 1. Long-term survival, causes of death and impact of risk factors on survival; 2. Prevalence of complications of CP in a surgically treated cohort prior to and following surgical treatment; 3. The impact of surgical method on the occurrence of new complications of CP during follow-up, and through this assessment evaluated advantages and disadvantages of different surgical methods; 4. The possible advantages and disadvantages of short and long pancreatojejunostomy in treatment of CP. The study was based on data of 166 surgically treated patients with CP at Tartu University Hospital. Results: 1. Patients with surgically treated CP had standardized mortality ratio of 1.8, patients resuming moderate/heavy alcohol consumption after surgical treatment of CP had SMR of 2.7. 2. The major risk factors for death were alcohol consumption and smoking; high co-morbidity index; unemployment; and low BMI. 3. Alcohol-related and smoking-related non-pancreatic diseases caused the vast majority of deaths. CP-related mortality was low. 4. Defining common pathophysiological mechanisms, a novel pathophysiological classification of complications of CP is proposed. 5. This classification allows grouping of different complications and making general observations. It also demonstrated pros and cons of different surgical methods in the treatment of CP and revealed the impact of the type of the surgical method on the occurrence of new complications. 6. The presence and pathophysiological nature of complications should be among the main determinants in clinical decision making and in surgical choice. 7. In the treatment of patients with CP and a uniformly dilated pancreatic duct, short pancreatojejunostomy provides as effective pain relief as long anastomosis. While the perioperative characteristics of short anastomosis surpass those of long one, short anastomosis should be the preferred surgical option.
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