The impact of environmental change on ecophysiology of hemiboreal tree species – acclimation mechanisms in belowground
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Käesoleva sajandi lõpuks prognoositakse põhjapoolsetele laiuskraadidele koos temperatuuri ja sademete hulga kasvuga ka õhuniiskuse tõusu. Puude kasvukiirus võib suurenenud õhuniiskusel olla pärsitud ja transpiratsioonist tingitud veevoog läbi puude aeglustub, mis mõjutab vee ja vees lahustunud toitainete liikumist mullas. Kõige vähem on meil teadmisi, kuidas mõjutavad keskkonnamuutused taimede juuri ning vee- ja aineringeid mullas. Puude peened juured, mille ülesandeks on vee ja toitainete omastamine mullast, kohanevad keskkonnamuutustega. Näiteks muutub uute moodustuvate juurte kuju ja suurus ning kui selle tagajärjel suureneb juurte imav pind, siis toitainete kättesaamine paraneb. Lisaks sellele eritavad juured mulda mitmesuguseid orgaanilisi ühendeid. Juureeritised on toiduks juurte pinnal ja lähiümbruses elavatele mikroobidele, kes muudavad mineraalained mullas taimede jaoks kättesaadavamaks. Juureeritistega mulda viidavat süsinikuvoogu on keeruline mõõta ja veel vähem teatakse, kuidas mõjutavad seda keskkonnamuutused. Antud doktoritöö raames analüüsiti viie puuliigi ökofüsioloogilist kohanemist kõrgenenud õhuniiskusele erineva lämmastikuallikaga muldadel. Töö käigus lahendati ka palju metoodilisi küsimusi, näiteks kui palju mõjutab juureeritiste kogust imi-, kasvu- ja juhtejuurte osakaal peenjuurestikus või kuidas analüüsida juurte kasvudünaamikat ajas ning kas kõrgenev õhuniiskus või erinev lämmastikuallikas mõjutavad juurte kasvukäiku oluliselt? Selleks kasutati mitmeid nutikaid lahendusi, näiteks mobiiltelefoni, et pildistada juurte kasvu ning masinõpet piltide analüüsimiseks. Tulemused on uudsed: 1) juureeritiste voog võib olla märkimisväärne ning seostub taime kasvu ja talitlusega, 2) juureeritiste mõõtmisel tuleb arvestada juurestiku talituslikku koostist ja osa puuliike ei ole tundlikud õhuniiskuse muutumisele, 3) õhuniiskuse suurenemine muudab juurte arengut oluliselt, kiireneb vananemine ning väheneb imav pindala, 4) nutitelefonide ja masinõppe kombinatsioon on lihtne, kiire ja täpne meetod juurte kasvu mõõtmiseks laborkatsetes.
By the end of this century, the predicted increase in air temperature and precipitation in Northern latitudes will lead to an increase in relative air humidity. Previous studies have shown a decrease in the growth rate of trees. Higher humidity decreases the transpiration rate, which diminishes the force facilitating water and nutrients towards roots. We have limited information on how these changes affect plant roots and water or nutrient cycles in soil. When nutrient availability in soil decreases, trees’ fine roots change their shape and form of new roots, and with the increasing absorptive area, the uptake of nutrients is enhanced. In addition, roots can exude different organic compounds into the soil, which is a food source for soil microbes. These microbes on roots and in the rhizosphere can meediate the necessary mineral nutrient uptake for plants. Measuring these root exudates is difficult, and the effects of environmental changes are unknown. In this study, we analysed the acclimation mechanisms of five tree species to high humidity and different nitrogen forms in soil. We measured how much fine root carbon exudation depends on the functional share of absorptive, pioneer and transport roots, which are all fine roots. Additionally, we implemented smart technologies to measure fine root growth dynamics by taking pictures with mobile phones and analysing the images with machine-learning-based software. Novel outcomes from this study include: 1) fine roots exude substantial amounts of carbon into soil, which is related to plant physiological parameters; 2) future studies measuring fine root exudates should consider root functional distribution and growth of some tree species was less affected by increased air humidity; 3) constant high humidity can change the development of fine roots, intensify root senescence and increase the absorptive area in fine roots; 4) the combination of smartphones and deep-learning methods is easy, fast and accurate to measure fine root growth in growth chambers.
By the end of this century, the predicted increase in air temperature and precipitation in Northern latitudes will lead to an increase in relative air humidity. Previous studies have shown a decrease in the growth rate of trees. Higher humidity decreases the transpiration rate, which diminishes the force facilitating water and nutrients towards roots. We have limited information on how these changes affect plant roots and water or nutrient cycles in soil. When nutrient availability in soil decreases, trees’ fine roots change their shape and form of new roots, and with the increasing absorptive area, the uptake of nutrients is enhanced. In addition, roots can exude different organic compounds into the soil, which is a food source for soil microbes. These microbes on roots and in the rhizosphere can meediate the necessary mineral nutrient uptake for plants. Measuring these root exudates is difficult, and the effects of environmental changes are unknown. In this study, we analysed the acclimation mechanisms of five tree species to high humidity and different nitrogen forms in soil. We measured how much fine root carbon exudation depends on the functional share of absorptive, pioneer and transport roots, which are all fine roots. Additionally, we implemented smart technologies to measure fine root growth dynamics by taking pictures with mobile phones and analysing the images with machine-learning-based software. Novel outcomes from this study include: 1) fine roots exude substantial amounts of carbon into soil, which is related to plant physiological parameters; 2) future studies measuring fine root exudates should consider root functional distribution and growth of some tree species was less affected by increased air humidity; 3) constant high humidity can change the development of fine roots, intensify root senescence and increase the absorptive area in fine roots; 4) the combination of smartphones and deep-learning methods is easy, fast and accurate to measure fine root growth in growth chambers.
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mixed forests, trees (botany), root system, environmental changes, ecophysiology