Role of invasive species in brackish benthic community structure and biomass changes
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Võõrliikide arv Läänemeres kasvab tõusvas tempos. 2015. aastaks oli Läänemeres raporteeritud 130 võõrliiki ja 2022. aastal on võõrliikide arv juba 220. Mitmed võõrliigid on loonud suuri populatsioone ja mõjutavad looduslikke Läänemere ökosüsteeme. Looduslikult on Läänemere põhjakooslused liigivaesed ja esineb palju väheasustatud funktsionaalseid nišše, seega on võõrliikidel palju võimalusi uues elupaigas kanda kinnitada ning oluliselt mõjutada kogu ökosüsteemi funktsioneerimist ja ökosüsteemi teenuseid. Käesolevas doktoritöös käsitletakse olulisi teadmiste lünki võõrliikide (ümarmudil ja harilik rändkrabi) levikus, käitumise eripärades ja mõjudes Läänemeres. Liikide mõju looduslikele ökosüsteemidele uuriti nii eksperimentaalselt kui ka pikkade põhjaloomastiku aegridade uuringutega. Laboratoorsed uuringud näitasid, et mõlemad uued merepõhja kiskjad suudavad süüa suures koguses looduslike põhjakoosluste dominantliike. Põhjaloomastiku pikkade andmeridade analüüs kinnitas, et eksperimentaalselt nähtud intensiivne toitumine toimub ka looduskeskkonnas. Ümarmudil on juba ära söönud suure osa Eesti rannikumere karbipopulatsioonidest, kes toimivad rannikumere loodusliku filtrina ja vähendavad eutrofeerumise ilminguid. Harilik rändkrabi vähendab põhjaloomastiku biomassi ja liigirikkust ning krabi mõju on ulatuslikum, kui kliimamuutustest eeldatavast toiteainekasvust tingitud suurem populatsiooni juurdekasv. Võõrliikide tekitatud muutuste mõju levib ka teistele ökosüsteemi tasemetele ning muutusi mõne piirkonna veesambas on juba täheldatud. Lisaks võivad võõrliigid ökosüsteemi mõjutada ka kui rannikukalade uute toiduobjektidena. Doktoritöö käigus näidati, et ümarmudil on muutunud oluliseks toiduobjektiks ahvenale, kuid hetkel veel ei mõjuta ümarmudila arvukus ahvena üldist toitumust. Seega, suure tõenäosusega ei suuda ahven hetkel ümarmudila arvukust kontrollida ja faktorid, mis hakkavad piirama võõrliikide arvukust, vajavad uurimist tulevikus. Antud doktoritöö näitab selgelt, et võõrliikidel on märkimisväärne roll Läänemere ökosüsteemides ja on oluline, et kõik Läänemere majandamise ja hea keskkonnaseisundi hoidmisega seotud otsused arvestaksid võõrliikide rolliga.
Alien species are arriving to the Baltic Sea at high rates. By 2022, already 220 alien species have been recorded in the Baltic Sea. Many of these species have established large populations and are affecting the Baltic Sea ecosystems. Since there are low numbers of native species in the benthic communities of the Baltic Sea, many vacant functional niches are ready to be inhabited by the novel species. Addition of a functionally novel species has the potential to severely effect the Baltic Sea ecosystem functioning and the services they provide. In this thesis large knowledge caps on how these species spread and act in their new environment were addressed. The species long-lasting impact was investigated with both manipulative experiments and long timeseries investigations. Experimental studies showed that the novel benthic predators, the round goby and the Harris mud crab, are able to consume high amounts of all dominant native invertebrates. Field studies showed that the strong impact of alien species observed in experimental communities are also happening in natural communities. The round goby has removed substantial amounts of benthic bivalves from the Estonian coastal sea, who are acting as a natural filter and buffering eutrophication effects. The Harris mud crab reduced benthic invertebrate biomass, even in an elevated nutrient future climate scenario. These impacts are also cascading to other trophic levels with observed increases in phytoplankton biomass. In addition, the alien species directly affect the ecosystem as novel prey objects. The round goby is already a dominant component in the diet of European perch. This thesis shows directly that alien species are playing an important role in the ecosystem and all decisions management and protection of the Baltic Sea ecosystem should consider the role of invasive species.
Alien species are arriving to the Baltic Sea at high rates. By 2022, already 220 alien species have been recorded in the Baltic Sea. Many of these species have established large populations and are affecting the Baltic Sea ecosystems. Since there are low numbers of native species in the benthic communities of the Baltic Sea, many vacant functional niches are ready to be inhabited by the novel species. Addition of a functionally novel species has the potential to severely effect the Baltic Sea ecosystem functioning and the services they provide. In this thesis large knowledge caps on how these species spread and act in their new environment were addressed. The species long-lasting impact was investigated with both manipulative experiments and long timeseries investigations. Experimental studies showed that the novel benthic predators, the round goby and the Harris mud crab, are able to consume high amounts of all dominant native invertebrates. Field studies showed that the strong impact of alien species observed in experimental communities are also happening in natural communities. The round goby has removed substantial amounts of benthic bivalves from the Estonian coastal sea, who are acting as a natural filter and buffering eutrophication effects. The Harris mud crab reduced benthic invertebrate biomass, even in an elevated nutrient future climate scenario. These impacts are also cascading to other trophic levels with observed increases in phytoplankton biomass. In addition, the alien species directly affect the ecosystem as novel prey objects. The round goby is already a dominant component in the diet of European perch. This thesis shows directly that alien species are playing an important role in the ecosystem and all decisions management and protection of the Baltic Sea ecosystem should consider the role of invasive species.
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adventive plant species, distribution (biology), benthos, community structure, marine environment, Baltic Sea