Visibility aware navigation
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Liikumise planeerimine on oluline osa robotite ja automatiseerimise valdkonnas. See hõlmab parima liikumiste või tegevuste järjestuse välja selgitamist, et robot saavutaks kindla eesmärgi, järgides teatud reegleid. Käesolev lõputöö keskendub teatud tüüpi liikumise planeerimisele, mida nimetatakse nähtavusele orienteeritud navigatsiooniks (VAN). VAN-i kasutatakse juhul, kui soovime, et robot liiguks kahe punkti vahel või järgiks teed, hoides alati teatud objekte oma vaateväljas. VAN-il on erinevaid rakendusi erinevates valdkondades. Näiteks sihtmärgi jälgimisel ja õhufotograafias aitab VAN tagada, et robot näeks alati sihtmärki, vältides takistusi. Seisundi hindamisel ja asukoha määramisel aitab VAN parandada täpsust, planeerides teid, mis säilitavad markerite nagu fidutsiaalsete markerite või majakate nähtavust. VAN võimaldab ka suuremate maapealsete robotite ja väiksemate õhurobotite koostööd. Maapealne robot saab juhendada õhurobotit seni, kuni nad saavad teineteist näha. Siiski on VAN-il kaks peamist väljakutset. Esiteks tuleb välja töötada uued algoritmid, mis suudavad hakkama saada keerulistes olukordades keskkondades, mis on täis takistusi. Teiseks peavad lahendused kiiresti töötama väikestel seadmetel, mida saab kanda väikeste robotite nagu droonide peal. Käesolev lõputöö pakub välja uued liikumise planeerimise algoritmid, mis on spetsiaalselt kavandatud nähtavusele orienteeritud navigatsiooni jaoks. Need algoritmid suudavad toime tulla keeruliste keskkondadega, kus on nii paiksed kui ka liikuvad takistused. Samuti töötavad need reaalajas piiratud ressurssidega väikestel seadmetel. Algoritme on põhjalikult testitud nii simulatsioonides kui ka reaalmaailma keskkondades ning võrreldud olemasolevate lähenemisviisidega. Pakutud algoritmid ületavad olemasolevaid algoritme erinevates aspektides, näiteks vähendades varjatuse aega, minimeerides juhtimispingutusi ja vajades vähem arvutusaega.
Motion planning is an important part of robotics and automation. It involves figuring out the best sequence of movements or actions for a robot to achieve a specific goal while following certain rules. This thesis focuses on a particular type of motion planning called Visibility Aware Navigation (VAN). VAN is used when we want the robot to move between two points or follow a path while always keeping certain objects in its field of view. VAN has various applications in different areas. For example, in target tracking and aerial cinematography, VAN helps ensure that the robot can always see its target while avoiding obstacles. In state estimation and localization, VAN helps improve accuracy by planning paths that maintain visibility of markers like fiducial markers or beacons. VAN can also enable cooperation between larger ground robots and smaller aerial robots. The ground robot can guide the aerial robot as long as they can see each other. However, there are two main challenges with VAN. First, new algorithms need to be developed that can handle complex situations in environments cluttered with obstacles. Second, the solutions should work quickly on small devices that can be carried by small robots like drones. This thesis proposes new motion planning algorithms specifically designed for visibility-aware navigation. These algorithms can handle complex environments with both stationary and moving obstacles. They also perform in real-time on small devices with limited resources. The algorithms are extensively tested in both simulations and real-world environments and compared to existing approaches. The proposed algorithms outperform the existing ones in different aspects such as reducing occlusion time, minimizing control effort, and requiring less computation time.
Motion planning is an important part of robotics and automation. It involves figuring out the best sequence of movements or actions for a robot to achieve a specific goal while following certain rules. This thesis focuses on a particular type of motion planning called Visibility Aware Navigation (VAN). VAN is used when we want the robot to move between two points or follow a path while always keeping certain objects in its field of view. VAN has various applications in different areas. For example, in target tracking and aerial cinematography, VAN helps ensure that the robot can always see its target while avoiding obstacles. In state estimation and localization, VAN helps improve accuracy by planning paths that maintain visibility of markers like fiducial markers or beacons. VAN can also enable cooperation between larger ground robots and smaller aerial robots. The ground robot can guide the aerial robot as long as they can see each other. However, there are two main challenges with VAN. First, new algorithms need to be developed that can handle complex situations in environments cluttered with obstacles. Second, the solutions should work quickly on small devices that can be carried by small robots like drones. This thesis proposes new motion planning algorithms specifically designed for visibility-aware navigation. These algorithms can handle complex environments with both stationary and moving obstacles. They also perform in real-time on small devices with limited resources. The algorithms are extensively tested in both simulations and real-world environments and compared to existing approaches. The proposed algorithms outperform the existing ones in different aspects such as reducing occlusion time, minimizing control effort, and requiring less computation time.
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navigation, visibility, robots, robotics, automatics