The changing role of the planner. Implications of creative pragmatism in Estonian spatial planning



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Doktoritöö eesmärgiks on portreteerida Eesti ruumilise planeerimise teoreetilist kontseptsiooni, uurides muutusi planeerija rollis. Ma vaatlen planeerijate ülesandeid, otsustusõigust ja võimu, samuti professionaalseid oskusi. Eesti ruumilise planeerimise teoreetilise raamistikuna pakun välja loova pragmatismi, mis aitab mõista planeerijatele esitatavate ootuste laiemat konteksti. Analüüsin planeerija rolli ja pragmatismi ilminguid Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopale ning Eestile iseloomulike ruumiliste nähtuste, suvilaalade ja paneelelamurajoonide, näitel. Sotsialistliku ruumiplaneerimise ehedate näidetena peegeldub nende alade arenguloos meie sotsiaal-kultuuriline pärandit. Sealsete eripäraste elukeskkondade kujunemislugu aitab avada planeerija rolli erinevatel tasanditel.
The aim of this research is to establish a theoretical concept for spatial planning in Estonia and examine the role of planners in the society. I concentrate on summer house settlements - “summurbia” - and large socialist housing estates which are two characteristic spatial phenomena specific to the Central and Eastern Europe and Estonia. As vivid examples of the legacy of socialist spatial planning, these areas reflect clearly the socio-cultural background of the Soviet Era and are thus uniquely suitable objects for studying planning theory and practice. The evolution of these distinct living environments exposes the role of a planner on multiple levels. I study the tasks assigned to planners and the powers seized by them, the opportunities they sought and skills they needed in their professional activities. I propose pragmatism as the theoretical framework underlying Estonian planning and explore the wider context of expectations for planners.


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regionaalplaneerimine, planeerimismeetodid, planeerimisteooriad, pragmatism, loovus, linnaplaneerimine, elamurajoonid, suvilad, paneelelamud, nõukogude aeg, Eesti
