Avatud robotplatvorm Robotont

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Tartu Ülikool


Robootika osakaal maailmas on tõusmas ning suur osa sellest tuleneb teenindusrobootikas kasutatavatest mobiilsetest platvormidest, mis tingib erakordselt suure nõudluse robootika inseneride järele. Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärgiks oli ROSi toetava haridusliku robotplatvormi Robotont arendamine. Lõputöö raames seati töökorda kuus Robotont generatsioon 1 ning valmisid õppematerjalid antud platvormile. Loodi Robotont generatsioon 2 mehaanika disain, lahendus, dokumenteerimise keskkond ning toodeti 17 Robotont generatsioon kahte. Valminud robotite töökindlust testiti mitmetes töötubades ja Tartu Ülikooli Narva Kolledžis kursusel „Robotite programmeerimine ROS vahenditega“.


The popularity of robotics is rapidly increasing. The majority of this increase comes from mobile platforms that are used in service robotics. Consequently, more robotic engineers are needed in the field. The aim of this master's thesis was to develop an educational robotics platform Robotont with the support of ROS. During the final thesis two generations of robots were developed. Six robots of Robotont generation 1 were set up and instructional materials were developed to the current generation of the platform. Next, a mechanical design and solution for Robotont generation 2 were developed and 17 units were manufactured. The thesis also sets up a unified documentation system for both generation of robots. The reliability of robots was tested in various workshops as well as during the course „Programming robots with ROS tools“ held at UT Narva College.


ROS, mobile robots, omnidirectional moving, STEM, educational robotics, mobiilsed robotid, omniliikuvus, haridusrobootika
