Sleep and Wellness

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Wellness is a multidimensional state of being describing the existence of positive health in an individual as exemplified by quality of life and a sense of well-being. Sleep has a important role in human beings well-being and also affects its´dimensions of wellness. Quality sleep is essential for good health. It can optimize physical, mental & emotional well-being.

Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful existence, where:

  • Process means that improvement is always possible
  • Aware means that we are continuously seeking more information about how we can improve.
  • Choices means that we consider a variety of options and select those in our best interest.
  • Success is determined by each individual to be their collection of life accomplishments

The most commonly described sub-dimensions are social wellness, spiritual wellness, physical wellness, intellectual wellness, emotional wellness and environmental wellness (see figure 1.). Vocational wellness and environmental wellness are not personal in nature, but a person's working and physical environments are factors that influence personal wellness. Research is necessary to clearly establish the relationship among the sub-dimensions.

Ultimately, the dimensions of wellness all fall into two broader categories, being mental and physical. The mental or emotional component is often overlooked as focus on such main staples as physical fitness, sleep and chronic disease risk factors.In order to achieve a state of wellness in our lives or try to guide others to it, we must pay due diligence to each of the dimensions. We may not all be physically fit or free from disease; we can, however, strive for increased wellness by working with what we've been dealt. It is very beneficial to learn about these components in order to become more aware of improving one's health.

Each person has a responsibility to provide for such health essentials as good nutrition, proper weight control, exercise, good sleep and controlling of risk factors such as smoking, alcohol and drug abuse. These things all play a role in wellness. Wellness is not the mere absence of disease. It is a proactive, preventive approach designed to achieve optimum levels of health, social and emotional functioning.

Wellness can also be defined as an active process through which you become aware of and make choices toward a more successful existence. A wellness-oriented lifestyle encourages you to adopt habits and behaviors that promote better health and an improved quality of life. It also involves the recognition that you have physical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs, with each dimension being necessary for optimal levels of functioning. Wellness is a positive approach to living - an approach that emphasizes the whole person. It is the integration of the body, mind, and spirit; and the appreciation that everything you do, think, feel, and believe has an impact on your state of health.

Figure 1. The six dimensions of wellness

University of Tartu, Pärnu College, Department of Tourism Studies, Wellness and Spa Service Design and Management