Did you know?

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Did you know?
  • The average business person spends one third to one half of their working day in meetings.
  • It has been estimated that eleven million meetings take place every day in the United States — so meetings must answer a real human need!
  • It is said that over 8% of the outcome of a meeting is decided before it takes place.
  • A survey of 635 executives showed that the vast majority were bothered by the ineffectiveness of meetings they attend for the following reasons: drifting off subject (83%), poor preparation (77%), not listening properly (68%), participants talking too much (62%), length (60%), participants not talking enough (51%).
  • The average chief executive officer spends about 17 hours each week in meetings, senior executives 23 hours, and middle managers 11 hours.
  • It has been estimated that the cost of a meeting is twice the basic salary of each participant.
  • If a problem causes many meetings, the meetings eventually become more important than the problem. Arthur Bloch, American writer and humorist
  • A committee should consist of three men, two of whom are absent. Herbert Beerbohm Tree, British actor-manager