Sleep and Wellness

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Made by Inna Bentsalo, MA
University of Tartu, Pärnu College

Course: Spa Treatments and Nutrition
Topic: Sleep and Wellness
0,5 ECTS


Health - related Quality of Life has become an important construct in modern world. Stress is a fact of life nowadays. Situations that can cause stress in life are almost endless. Sometimes people do not realize that their lifestyle is not good. In a constant hurry, they often forget to eat healthy food or do not do enough physical activities.

Researches have shown that constant strength instruction and cardiovascular workouts support creating human beings bodies' resistance to each physical and emotional stress. Stress is not only a problem to live with, it can cause serious health problems, including sleep disorders. Therefore it is a very important part in human beings well-being and wellness.

Following course consists of topics, such as:

  1. Sleep - what is sleep? Why it is important in our healthy lifestyle? How it is connected to wellness?
  2. Different sleep disorders - what are the main disorders? what can cause sleeplessness?
  3. Sleep therapy - what is it? what is the impact of sleep therapy?
  4. How sleep study would be useful in a spa? or in service design?

Study outcome: The students know the concepts of sleep and sleep related healthy lifestyle, different sleep disorders, sleep therapy and how it would be useful in a spa service design.

University of Tartu, Pärnu College, Department of Tourism Studies, Wellness and Spa Service Design and Management