function particle_needlesink {s-1} (dparticle {nm}, gcm3 {particle density : g cm-3}, dneedle {mm, about 0.9 for Pinus Sylvestris}, L {m-2, total length of needles in 1 m^3 of the canopy}, wind {m s-1, inside of the canopy}, T {air temperature : K}, mb {air pressure : mb} : real) : real; {Uses external function "electrical_mobility_air"} var nyy, Re, Sc, kTB : real; begin // 8.517e-9 = 1.38e-8 / 1.6022 kTB := 8.517e-9 * T * electrical_mobility_air (mb, T, gcm3, 0, dparticle); nyy := 5.5e-7 * exp (1.8 * ln (T)) / mb; Re := (wind * dneedle / nyy) / 2000; Sc := nyy / kTB; particle_needlesink := kTB * L * (0.3 + 0.62 * sqrt (Re) * exp (0.33333 * ln (Sc)) * exp (0.8 * ln (1 + exp (0.625 * ln (Re / 282000)) )) / sqrt (sqrt (1 + exp (0.66667 * ln (0.4 / Sc)) )) ); end;