function BSMA2PLT; %HT20050929, minor modification 20061115
% Diurnal contour plots from BSMA2E1, BSMA2E2 or BSMA3A plot tables
% All days of one month in one folder are processed in one session
% Input filenames must be pYYMMDD.xl and nYYMMDD.xl
% Output filenames are [prefix YYMMDD.jpg]

% Permanent sample of information lines:
% prefix = '3A'; % for output file name
%filepath = 'C:\BSMA\plot\'; % where the files are located
%    yymm = '0610'; % year and month
%for  day = 1:31 % interval of days

% The input data, which can be modified following the permanent sample above:
  prefix = '3A'; % for output file name, can be modified
filepath = 'C:\BSMA\plot\'; % where the files are located, can be modified
    yymm = '0611'; % year and month, can be modified
for  day = 1:31 % interval of days, can be restricted 
   dd = num2str (day);
   if day < 10
      dd = ['0' dd];
   if exist ([filepath 'p' yymm dd '.xl'], 'file')
      x = load([filepath 'p' yymm dd '.xl']);
      p = size (x);
      axes ('units', 'pixels', 'position', [50 320 700 200]);
      [c,h] = contourf (x, [100 200 300 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2500 3000]);
      brighten (0.6);
      clabel (c,h);
      set (gca, 'xtick', [1:(p(2)-1)/8:p(2)], 'xticklabel', [0:3:24]);
      set (gca, 'ytick', [1 2.18 3.43 4.85 6.65 8.3 10]);
      set (gca, 'yticklabel', {'0.5';'0.7';'1.0';'1.5';'2.5';'4.0';'6.5'});
      %xlabel('Hour'); %could be added
      ylabel('Diameter : nm');
      title(['BSMA + ions 20' yymm dd ' dN/dlog(d)']);
      print ('-djpeg', [filepath prefix yymm dd '.jpg'])
      x = load([filepath 'n' yymm dd '.xl']);
      axes ('units', 'pixels', 'position', [50 60 700 200]);
      [c,h] = contourf (x, [100 200 300 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2500 3000]);
      brighten (0.6);
      clabel (c,h);
      set (gca, 'xtick', [1:(p(2)-1)/8:p(2)], 'xticklabel', [0:3:24]);
      set (gca, 'ytick', [1 2.18 3.43 4.85 6.65 8.3 10]);
      set (gca, 'yticklabel', {'0.5';'0.7';'1.0';'1.5';'2.5';'4.0';'6.5'});
      ylabel('Diameter : nm');
      title(['BSMA - ions 20' yymm dd ' dN/dlog(d)']);
      print ('-djpeg', [filepath prefix yymm dd '.jpg'])
      close all;
   end; %of if exist
end; %of days