Preparing to negotiate

Before negotiations begin, preparing and planning are very important. Read the text about it and pay attention to the highlighted vocabulary.

1. Get as much information as possible about the situation. If dealing with people from another culture, find out about its and : the way people negotiate, what they consider to be acceptable and unacceptable behaviour, and so on. Think about the following: body language, physical contact, conversational rules, relationship building, hierarchy, attitudes to time.
2. Work out your initial : what are your needs and objectives (the things you want to achieve)? Decide your (the most important objectives).
3. Try to estimate the needs and objectives of the .
4. Prepare a : conditions that you will accept if your original objectives are not met.
5. Perhaps you are in a position to influence the choice of : the place where you are going to meet. If so, would you prefer to:
a) /on home ground (in your own office)
b) go to see the other side (in their offices)
c) meet , for example in a hotel?
6. If you are negotiating as part of a , consult your colleagues about all the previously listed points, and allocate roles and responsibilities.