BSMA3A.INI 20061115
 Includes external calibration coefficients,
 internal coefficients are presented in the program code.
 Any line beginning with a space is a comment.
 An assignment should be written without spaces.
 A space after the assignment starts a comment until the end of the line.
 Original text of BSMA3A.INI is attached into the end of BSMA3A.PAS
clockcorrection=0      diurnal correction (full seconds, up to +-25)
flowsensor=1           if 1 then calibration according to flowrate sensor
                            else calibration according to power voltage
cycletime=10           10 or 15 minutes
gainresistor=1499      ohm, gain = 1 + 50000 / R
balanceresistor=993    kohm, voltagecorrection = 25 / (25 + R / (2000 + R))
cpressurea=0.136       pressure (mb) = cpressurea * ADCcounts + cpressureb
ctemperaturea=0.0305   temperature (C) = ctemperaturea * ADCcounts + ctemperatureb
chumiditya=0.021       humidity (%) = chumiditya * ADCcounts + chumidityb
cflowrate=1.32         flowrate (L/s) = cflowrate * sqrt (dp:counts * T:K / p:mb)
balanceconstant=30     mobility channel 1 zero shift / electrometer gain
extrapath=A:\          external path for saving of diurnal tables and plottables,
                       external saving can be avoided writing here one symbol -
extension=xl           extension of the output file name, usually txt or xl
controls=1000          four symbols 0 or 1 setting initial values of controls:
                       datarecording, plottables, scandetails, and extrastorage