12:58:16 From Leo Lahti : I do not hear anything, 12:58:49 From Leo Lahti : now i do 12:58:51 From taimi.nurmiste : mina ka ei kuule, 12:58:57 From Lilian Neerut : Welcome to all! 12:58:57 From taimi.nurmiste : taimi 13:00:15 From Lilian Neerut : do you hear now? 13:00:21 From renevanhorik : yes 13:03:11 From Lilian Neerut : yes 13:07:47 From Tiiu : yes 13:14:21 From Lilian Neerut : We are sorry for inconvenience at the beginning of seminar. Hopefully it`s solved now and we can enjoy the seminar :) 13:35:10 From Kadri Vider : Center of Estonian Language Resources have CoreTrustSeal certificate for repository Meta-Share https://metashare.ut.ee/ 13:36:29 From Kadri Vider : and we are CLARIN B-centre also :) 14:18:01 From Natalia Tšuikina to UT Raamatukogu(Privately) : it is usually possible for the host to make a co-host, then your presenters do not have to pass the role of the host. 14:47:44 From BTrinlae PhD : Are the Python cultural data crash courses focused more on cataloging or user interfaces for presentation or both? 14:48:11 From BTrinlae PhD : yes 14:48:41 From Leo Lahti : Hi - if people develop new workflows or solutions in hackathons, do you have ways to preserve that and incorporate it in the overall knowlege base in a more permanent manner? 14:48:48 From BTrinlae PhD : Thanks 14:50:17 From Lilian Neerut : How easy it was to find professionals to mentor the courses? 14:50:32 From BTrinlae PhD : Nice Linux FOSS culture to build 14:52:17 From BTrinlae PhD : Where do we look to find out if the online didactic course gets funded? 14:54:24 From Nora McGregor : So we should hopefully find out at the end of this year. Project would start Jan, first courses online by end of 2021. Fingers crossed. 14:56:23 From Nora McGregor : My twitter is @ndalyrose....I'll definitely be singing about it there if it gets funded :) Also @BL_DigiSchol 14:57:01 From Nora McGregor : My slides are here for future reference. Cheers! https://sway.office.com/PaT0zMgu8J0wTxJ3 15:14:55 From Nora McGregor : A kind of example of data normalisation using Open Refine (plus a nice tutorial) is here: http://www.meanboyfriend.com/overdue_ideas/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Introduction-to-OpenRefine-handout-CC-BY.pdf 15:15:20 From Nora McGregor : (very simplified! but might be of use) 15:16:08 From Nora McGregor : Documenting your harmonisation processes is essential. 15:33:57 From CUDAN : Can we try: Muumipeikko ja pyrstötähti 15:34:59 From Nora McGregor : Thanks! That was super interesting! 15:50:41 From Leo Lahti : Hi Peter - could you tell more about the harmonization - have you harmonized the Estonian bibliography, could there be chances for joining efforts? 15:53:13 From Leo Lahti : good, thanks! 15:56:15 From CUDAN : Can you see slides? 16:22:40 From UT Raamatukogu : https://www.rd-alliance.org/user/register 16:23:17 From BTrinlae PhD : Thanks for moderating! 16:23:55 From renevanhorik : Goodbye and thanks 16:23:55 From Nora McGregor : Thank you so much! That was really interesting. 16:24:17 From UT Raamatukogu : https://www.rd-alliance.org/node/66228/file-repository 16:24:25 From UT Raamatukogu : https://www.rd-alliance.org/get-involved/individual-membership.html 16:24:32 From UT Raamatukogu : https://www.rd-alliance.org/rda-disciplines/rda-and-digital-humanities 16:24:47 From UT Raamatukogu : https://zenodo.org/record/3355145#.X3SFWWgzaUn 16:24:56 From UT Raamatukogu : https://sisu.ut.ee/andmehaldus/home-0?lang=en