Commercial associations

Read the information about commercial associations. See the Estonian translation for important words/terms by holding the mouse on it.

A ( ) is a company the purpose of which is the of its members in which the members : as or ; as ; ; through the ; .
An association shall its with all of its . A shall not the obligations of the association. The may that the members are liable for the obligations of the association with all of their assets () or are liable by the articles of association ().
the articles of association the of the members of the association for the obligations of the association, the shall be at least 2,500 euros. A cannot be a member of the association.
The business name of an association shall the word "ühistu" [association] and an . An association may by at least five persons. A may be a or a .
In order to found an association, the founders shall . Upon entry into a memorandum of association, the founders shall also the as an to the memorandum of association.
In order to enter an association in the , the shall to the commercial register.