Program HOURTAB; {HT20050102 minor modification 20061116}
uses CRT;

type vector = array [1..64] of single;

var                      b : byte;
                      f, g : file of byte;
    i, n, y, hour, newhour : integer;
                         v : vector;
                       tab : array [1..7] of vector;
   s, dataname, resultname : string;
                     prime : boolean;
              data, result : text;

procedure processhour;
   var            j, k : integer;
      x, sum, min, max : single;
   if n < 3 then exit;
   write (result, round (tab [1, 1]), #09, 100 * hour + 30);
   for k := 3 to 64 do begin
      sum := 0; min := 1e9; max := -min;
      for j := 1 to n do begin
         x := tab [j, k];
         sum := sum + x;
         if x < min then min := x;
         if x > max then max := x;
      x := (sum - min - max) / (n - 2);
      if k = 3 then write (result, #09, x:5:3)
      else if k in [4, 5, 6, 60, 62] then write (result, #09, x:3:1)
      else write (result, #09, x:1:0);
   writeln (result);

   if paramcount > 0 then begin {dragged filename}
      s := paramstr (1);
      y := length (s);
      i := y;
      repeat i := i - 1 until s [i] = '\';
      chdir (copy (s, 1, i - 1));
      dataname := copy (s, i + 1, y - i);
   else begin {keyboard filename}
      writeln (' Normal way to run this program is to drag the icon of');
      writeln (' a BSMA output file onto the icon of the program file');
      writeln (' If you wish to use this method then exit now the program');
      writeln (' pressing immediately ENTER instead of the filename.');
      write (' Please press ENTER or write the name of the data file: ');
      readln (dataname);
      if dataname = '' then halt;
   resultname := dataname;
   resultname [2] := 'H';
   assign (f, dataname);
   {$I-} reset (f); {$I+}
   if IOresult <> 0 then begin
      writeln (' Sorry, ', dataname, ' is not available.');
      writeln (' Press ENTER for escape!');
      readln; halt;
   {copy the table header}
   assign (g, resultname); rewrite (g);
      read (f, b);
      write (g, b);
   until b = 10;
   close (g);
   close (f);
   {header is copied}
   assign (data, dataname); reset (data);
   readln (data, s); {skip header}
   assign (result, resultname); append (result);
   prime := true; n := 0;
      for i := 1 to 64 do read (data, v [i]);
      n := n + 1; tab [n] := v;
      newhour := round (v [2]) div 100;
      if prime then hour := newhour;
      if eof (data) and (newhour = hour) then processhour
      else if newhour <> hour then begin
         n := n - 1; processhour;
         n := 0;
         tab [1] := v;
         hour := newhour;
      prime := false;
   until eof (data);
   close (result);
   close (data);
   writeln (' Done. Press ENTER for escape!');