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Kirje Adult skills: their use and useffulness in Estonia. Summarie of thematic reports on the PIAAC study(Ministry of Education and Research, 2015) Ministry of Education and ResearchColection of summaries of seven thematic reports published in Estonian on the PIAAC study completed in 2014 and 2015. The full versions of the reports are available on the website of the Ministry of Education and Research (MER). Thematic reports are: 1. Sten Anspal, Janno Järve, Anne Jürgenson, Märt Masso, Indrek Seppo "Usefulness of skills on the labour market" 2. Ellu Saar, Marge Unt, Kristina Lindemann, Epp Reiska, Auni Tamm "Skills and lifelong learning: what does Estonia have to learn in terms of improving skills and who can we learn it from?" 3. Märt Masso, Janno Järve, Mart Kaska "Low and top performers of information processing skills in Estonia" 4. Vivika Halapuu "The role of information processing skills in determining the gender and linguistic wage gap in Estonia" 5. Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Ave Roots, Tarmo Strenze, Mare Ainsaar "The level of problem-solving skills in a technology-rich environment and the use of ICT among Estonian Adults" 6. Aune Valk, Gerli Silm "Education and skills" 7. Vivika Halapuu "Measuring skills and education mismatch in Estonia on the basis of PIAAC data"Kirje Adult skills: their use and usefulness in Estonia. Summaries of thematic reports on the PIAAC study(Ministry of Education and Research, 2015) Ministry of Education and ResearchBetween these covers you will find summaries of the seven thematic reports published in Estonian on the PIAAC (Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies) study. The reports were completed as part of the PIAAC Estonia programme in 2014 and 2015. This publication is a précis of the two years of analysis conducted after the study, which was carried out in the country for the first time and whose main focus was key themes in education and the labour market – areas of importance to Estonia. The full versions of the reports, as well as the initial results of the study published in 2013 in the report ‘Adult skills in Estonia and the world: Initial results of the PIAAC study’, are available on the website of the Ministry of Education and Research (MER). Details of completed international reports and those in progress can be found on the websites of both the OECD and the Nordic Council of Ministers – the latter of which has also published the Nordic PIAAC report, which analysed the results of five countries, including Estonia1 . In addition, short reports, scientific articles and a number of graduation theses have been published on the basis of PIAAC data (the reports being available on the website of the MER). The data can be downloaded from the OECD website for further analysis.