Sirvi Autor "Vill, Piibe" järgi
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Kirje Prediction and characterization of PRD-like homeobox genes ARGFX, DUXA and NOBOX in the bovine genome(Tartu Ülikool, 2022) Vill, Piibe; Yasar, Baris, juhendaja; Kurg, Ants, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Molekulaar- ja rakubioloogia instituutThe conserved nature homeotic genes encode a 60 amino acid long homeodomain, which due to their high DNA-binding affinity can regulate gene expression or act as transcription factors. Recently, a selection of homeotic genes of the PRD-like class that are predicted to play a role in the embryonic genome activation, have been investigated to further understand the embryo development. In this thesis, a selection of such uncharacterized genes was investigated in silico for orthologs in the bovine genome. To validate the genes, bovine oocytes and embryos were investigated. cDNA was prepared with STRT-N method developed specifically for the detection of transcript far 5’-ends. As a result of in silico experiments, orthologs of ARGFX, DUXA and NOBOX were found in the bovine genome. The groundwork in the wet lab for the validation of these genes in the bovine genome was completed successfully