Haridus- ja Teadusministeeriumi imago Tartu õpetajate seas



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Tartu Ülikool



Up to date no special attention in Estonia has been given to public sector organisatsion image research. It is also noted that the image of Ministry of Education and Researches has never been scrutinised. This researches purpose was to find out what kind of image Ministry of Education and Research has among teachers. Works sources are questionaries and media analysis. Questionary was handed out to 66 Tartuís highschool teatchers. 97% of the questionaries were regained. The theoretical part of the work deals with the basic concepts of the image, reputation and introduces also the essentials of the public sector. The bachelor thesis ìThe image of Ministry of Education and Research among Tartuís schoolteachersî investigates the image of ministry in order to find out main attributes and tendencies. Works hypothesis The image of Ministry of Education and Research among teachers is rather bad than good was found to be true, in the result of this research. In result of the bachelor work came out that Ministry of Education and Research is in teachers opinion irreverent, strange, cold, stiff and faraway. Ministry is also considered to be useful and emergent. 42% of the respondents marked ministyís image to be bad, 25% thought it is average. None of the respondents marked ministryís image to be very good. It was also noted that womenís opinion about ministry is more negative than menís. It was also found that basic information sources to teachers are newspapers and own school directorate. Image research gives knowledge about that, how to make public relations more effective and how to improve, redo communication strategy.


H Social Sciences (General), bakalaureusetööd, organisatsioonid, haridus, ministeeriumid, linnavalitsused, kuvand, õpetajad, Tartu, Eesti. Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium
