Avaliku sektori poolt tellitud sotsiaalreklaamid suhtluses sihtrühmadega ajalehes Postimees aastatel 1995-2005




Vettik, Airi

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The bachelor thesis „Social advertisements in Postimees 1995-2005“ is conducted on quantitative and qualitative analysis based on social advertisements subscribed from public sector published in daily Postimees during 1995 to 2005. The main goal of the research was to assess visual and verbal differences and similarities communicating with target audiences in the social advertisements during the certain time period. The empirical material is based on 31 social advertisements subscribed from public sector published in Postimees. The theoretical part of the research includes the main terms and definitions related to the social marketing and social advertisements. The following six research questions were set for carrying out the analysis: 1. How many social advertisement campaigns were published in the daily Postimees in different years during 1995 to 2005? 2. Who is considered the target audience of social advertisements? 3. What exactly are expected from target audience? How social adverisements motivate audience? 4. How has been changed campaigns style, visuals and verbal language during the analysed time period? 5. How has been changed represented values during eleven analysed years? 6. How advertisements approach to the certain social problem? How they try to find solution to the problem? To find answers to these questions I analysed each advertisement according to the category system. Secondly I payed attention to different values represented in social advertisements, according to Schwartz Value Survey. Thirdly I analysed different paradigms in social adveritisements, according to Beck`s theory of reflexive modernity - is the represented problem part of social system or it stays like individual problem that has a certain and quick solution. The first result of my research showed that the most of social advertisement campaigns in the daily Postimees have been published since 2001, when every year average five social campaigns were published. On the contrary period during 1995 to 2000 when every year average 1 social advertisement campaign was published. All advertisements included very clear adverts to the target audience. Most popular audience groups were grown-ups and parents (19 advertisements), drivers (8 advertisements) and „all people“ (4 advertisements). Mostly all of analysed advertisements expected from audience a certain action to solve the problem (give money, use paperbags, drive safely, buckle yourself etc). Advertisements that tryed to change the lifestyle were mostly related with driving-safety. Changing believes included very often also a certain action how to enhance the system. More and more popular is to motivate audiences by using fear and sympathy – violence, death, pain etc. The main values that social advertisement campaigns represented, were conservation and universalism that motivated people to be better and to help those people who need to be helped. The most popular was to indicate safety values and by that motivate audience to act in suggested way. Universalism-values like love and goodness came out mostly in those campaigns that asked people to donate money for children medical problems.


H Social Sciences (General), bakalaureusetööd
