Veebilehekülje kommunikatsioon sotsiaalturunduslikes kampaaniates



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Tartu Ülikool



The aim of this thesis was to clear up the role of web pages as a channel of social marketing campaign in the organisers’ and the target groups’ point of view; also, if and how does the internet complete the assignments as a marketing channel. To find, how it would be possible to use the World Wide Web more effectively as a message forwarder. In the present paper I used four campaigns of social marketing, three of which were conducted in 2006 and one in 2007: “Kasvame koos, laps ei ole nukk”, “Jää puhtaks!”, “Ära osale loosimises!” and “Narkojutud ei lõpe kunagi hästi”. The important unifying sign of these campaigns is the web page address, which is quite emphasized in every advertisement. During the pilot research, I conducted expert-interviews with the organisers of the campaigns of social marketing and in-depth interviews with the represantatives of the target groups, analysing the frequency of visits on the campaign related web pages. Searching for answers to the questions: Which is the role of a web page as a channel of a social marketing campaign? How is the existance of a web page revealed? Do the representatives of the target groups notice the reference to the web page in the advertisements or not, and if they do or do not then on what reasons? How do the representatives of the target groups see the web pages and how to use the web more effectively as a message forwarder? Through which mediums would the information of web pages reach the target groups quickest? The results of the conducted survey show that the web pages of social marketing campaigns have an important role completing the advertising campaign and messages, and forwarding concrete information which could help people change their behaviour. To reveal the web page addresses, the references of the web sites are usually added to all the other campaign related materials and that is where the idea ends. This is the reason why it often happens that the web page addresses added to several materials do not actually reach the target audience. Mainly, it is because of the design of the campaign’s visuals which do not allow the web page address to be visible enough, if at all. Also, the advertising campaign often cannot generate any interest on the topic among the target group. Rather, it is the web page itself which have high quality and everything else necessary. Unfortunately, the information on the web site is often also missed by the visitor because of the unatractiveness and enormous amount of text on the page. The representatives of the target groups find the web pages of the campaigns of social marketing informative but not very attractive so they will not spend much time visiting them. Internet is regarded the best channel for reciving information on web pages so when planning a campaign, several internet-solutions should be more emphasized. In conclusion, one could say that a web page is the right medium to complete the assignments appointed and to open the topics of the social marketing campaigns, but media campaigns and advertisements cannot bring people to web pages and the web pages themselves remain dull for the target audience.


H Social Sciences (General)
