Olemusloo žanriline areng aastatel 1970–2010 Edasi, Postimehe ja Tartu Postimehe näitel



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Tartu Ülikool


The aim of this thesis was to analyze the feature story in Estonia in 1970–2010 in the newspapers Edasi, Postimees and Tartu Postimees. This paper started by describing the theoretic conception of the feature story in foreign cultures and then compared the nowadays feature story and the soviet times. The theory was built up to describe features definition, goals and form. To do that, it analyzed feature stories in three hypotehical periods, altogether 41 articles. Because the theoretical consept of feature story has little limits, the author of this thesis analyzed its genres portrait and reportage, which have the most characteristics and limits and are because of that the easiest to identify. The methods included both theoretical and empirical views and they worked towards their goals – on the one hand, it gave a good overlook of features theoretical conception, on the other hand, it added the practical view as well. The comparison of those two gave an in-depth overview of the subject. The thesis also included interviews in the hypothetical periods, 1970–1980, 1981–1996, 1997–2010 with one of the authors with the most feature stories published at that time. The interviews with Nasta Pino, Vahur Kalmre and Juhani Püttsepp gave the feature story a wider consept and help to see the aspects that effected their writing and ambitions. The aim of this thesis was to analyze the development of the feature story and to periods of its development. The results showd, that there are certain features but overall the genre hasn´t changed much – the most important things in feature story are human interest and human centered, the similarity with both literature and journalism and making the reader feel like he or she is part of the story. The thesis devided feature story into four periods that have no fiksed lines. The periods show the main changes in trends.


