LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT’ga ühilduva suhtelise õhuniiskuse anduri tutvustus ja ülesanded



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Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö põhieesmärgiks on tutvustada firma Vernier poolt toodetud õhuniiskuse andurit ja selle kasutamist koostöös LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT robotitega. Lisaks sellele koostada kolm ülesannet õhuniiskuse anduri tutvustamiseks nii algajatele kui edasijõudnutele. Antud töö koostamisel hoiti kinni etteantud struktuuri- ja vormistamisnõuetest, et see oleks võimalikult sarnane teiste töödega, mis lõpuks pannakse kokku ühtsesse õppematerjali.
The aim of this bachelor thesis was to introduce the LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT compatible Vernier relative humidity sensor and create a set of exercises for people who want to learn to use it. The theoretical part of the thesis explains the phenomenon of humidity, how it acts and surrounds us in our everday lives and also how we have developed ways to use it to our benefit. Next is the part about humidity sensors, or hygrometer, and how it works in general. The seconds part consists mainly of the introduction of the Vernier humidity sensor, how it works and how is it possible to program it in conjunction with the LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT robots. The main emphasis in this thesis is on the NXT-G programming environment. This bachelor thesis has a similar structure and form with other LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT thesis so they can later be added together to form a single teaching material.


