PISA 2012 Results: Creative Problem Solving



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PISA is an ongoing programme that offers insights for education policy and practice, and that helps monitor trends in students’ acquisition of knowledge and skills across countries and economies and in different demographic subgroups within each country. PISA results reveal what is possible in education by showing what students in the highest-performing and most rapidly improving school systems can do. The findings allow policy makers around the world to gauge the knowledge and skills of students in their own countries in comparison with those in other countries, set policy targets against measurable goals achieved by other school systems, and learn from policies and practices applied elsewhere. While PISA cannot identify cause-and-effect relationships between policies/practices and student outcomes, it can show educators, policy makers and the interested public how education systems are similar and different – and what that means for students.



education programs, education studies, international studies, learning outcomes, evaluation, tests, students, mathematics, science, reading, PISA, teadmiste testid, Eesti, loodusteadused, matemaatika, haridusprogrammid, haridusuuringud, hindamine, rahvusvahelised võrdlevuuringud, õpitulemused, õppeedukus, õpilased, funktsionaalne lugemisoskus

