Punctuation Marks


The present table introduces the English-language terms used for main punctuation marks. It allows the student to get acquainted with the terms and to compare them with the correspondent terms in his/her mother tongue (either Russian or Estonian). the table also provides examples of the use of the punctuation marks.

Term Explanation Russian equivalent
Estonian equivalent Example
Full stop (period)
The full stop (period) is the punctuation mark used to mark the end of a declarative sentence or indicate an abbreviation. Точка Punkt The weather is nice today.
Question mark The question mark is the punctuation mark which indicates the interrogative sentence.
Вопросительный знак
What time is it?
Exclamation point
The exclamation point is the punctuation mark which is used to indicate the exclamatory sentence.
Восклицательный знак
What a surprise!
Comma The comma is the punctuation mark used to mark a division within a sentence. Запятая
Koma Ready, steady, go!
Introducer comma
The introducer comma marks off any element which comes in front of the first independent clause in a sentence. No equivalent No equivalent
As a result, I feel terribly guilty.

As I have been very busy lately, I couldn't answer your e-mail on time.

Coordinator comma The coordinator comma is used together with a coordinating conjunction (and, or, but, yet, so) to link coordinate (equal) element within the sentence.
No equivalent No equivalent
They were tired, so they left the party early.

She has a caring, gentle and friendly personality.

Inserter comma The inserter comma is used to mark off any element which is inserted in the middle of an independent clause. No equivalent No equivalent My aunt, his wife, is a very energetic person.

Her son, who is a police officer, lives in London.

Tag comma The tag comma is used to mark off element which are added to the end of the sentence. No equivalent No equivalent He appeared to be quite friendly, however.

It isn't logical, is it?

The semicolon is the punctuation mark which is very strong and which indicates a more distinct division within a sentence than a comma does. Точка с запятой
Semikoolon Computer use is increasing; computer crime is, too.
The colon is the punctuation mark which is use to introduce a list, a long quotation, to separate groups of numbers, to distinguish between the main title and the subtitle of the book.
Koolon I need the following things: a large sheet of paper, crayons and scissors.

I left home at 7:30 a.m.

Quotation marks
Quotation marks are the punctuation mark used to indicate the beginning and the end of a quotation, Кавычки Jutumärgid "Don't worry, be happy", that is what the famous song says.