Rääbus, Piret, juhendajaKumm, Minni2015-06-182015-06-182015-06-18http://hdl.handle.net/10062/47289The aim of this thesis is to analyse the regulation of sworn translators in Estonia, provide an overview of the profession, and point out the possible problems that need to be solved in order to further develop the profession. The author chose this topic because the new Sworn Translators Act was adopted in 2013 and this resulted in significant changes in the regulation of certified translations and the work of sworn translators and the author believes it is necessary to analyse the impact of the new act. The thesis is mainly based on the legal acts that regulate the professional activity of sworn translators and the letters of explanation and drafts of those legal acts. In addition, a survey was conducted among 12 active sworn translators and the representative of the Ministry of Justice was interviewed in order to include relevant opinions.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalopenAccessüliõpilastöödstudent workstõlkeõpetustranslationinterpretingsworn translatorscertified translationstranslator trainingRegulation of Sworn Translators in Estonia and the Impact of the New Sworn Translators Act on the Professional Activity of Sworn TranslatorsThesis