García-Bañuelos, LucianoJohn Rozario, Vinod Infant Dass2017-04-262017-04-262016õhine tarkvaraarendus on kaasaegse tarkvara arendamise metoodika, mille eesmärk on lahendada konkreetseid probleeme, luues domeeni mudelid ja pakkudes lahendust kontseptuaalsel viisil. Domeenipõhine keel (DSL) on arvuti keel, mis võimaldab lahendada probleeme konkreetses domeenis. Käesoleva lõputöö eesärgiks on arendada tarkvaraline vahend, mis aitab luua automaatselt tarkvarakoodi rolli-põhise ligipääsu kontrolli abil RESTful rakendustele. Selle jaoks soovime pakkuda spetsifikatsiooni, mis läbi DSL-i sisendi kirjeldaks andmebaasi kihtide komponente (näiteks klassid ja hoidlad), vahekihtide komponente (st Resources/Assemblers, Controllers), ja rolli-põhise ligipääsu kontrolli mudelit koos sihtrakendusega. Tuginedes reeglitele, genereerib meie vahend koodi, mis sisaldab RBAC autentimisega / autoriseerimisega seotud konfiguratsiooni ja abiklasse. See on kogu RESTful Spring Boot rakenduse tuumik koos kommentaaride ning baaskoodiga, mille sisendiks on etteantud RBAC mudel.Model-driven software development is the modern software development methodology that aims at solving a specific problem by creating the domain models and providing the solution in a conceptual way. Domain-Specific Language (DSL) is the computer language that allows solving a problem in a specific domain. The goal of this thesis is to develop a software tool that helps to generate the software codes automatically with Role Based Access Control for a RESTful application. In this context, we want to provide a resource specification as an input to the software tool through DSL for describing the database layer components (i.e. Entity classes and Repositories), the integration layer components (i.e. Resources/Assemblers, Controllers), and a Role-Based Access Control model to be associated with a target application. Based on the definitions, our tools will generate code, including RBAC authentication/authorization related configuration and helper classes. Thus, the skeleton for the RESTful Spring Boot application with the annotations and basic code to enforce the RBAC model provided as input.engMudelipõhine rollidel baseeruv ligipäässüsteem RESTful Spring ra-kendusteleModel-based Role Based Access Control for RESTful Spring applicationsThesis