Rauk, Marika, juhendajaToomistu, TennoTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduste valdkondTartu Ülikool. Psühholoogia instituut2012-03-152012-03-152012-03-152012http://hdl.handle.net/10062/24518The aim of the study was to measure the effect of different background music on the performance of extraverts and introverts in cognitive tasks. A 2x3 (extraversion x background conditions) factorial design was used. Cognitive tasks were: reading comprehension and free recall short-term memory test. The background conditions were the subjects’ favourite background music used for studying, monotonous music and silence. It was predicted that the results of extraverts would either improve or not vary; and that those of introverts either deteriorate or not vary. There were no main effects, although interactions were found in both music conditions. The results justify further studies on the effect of favourite background music on cognitive tasks. Keywords: background music, extraversion, introversion, short-term memory, reading comprehensionetisiksuseomadusedmuusikalühiajaline mäluTaustamuusika mõju ülesannete lahendamisele ekstravertidel ja introvertidelEffect of background music on task performance of extraverts and introvertsOther