Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Pille, juhendajaKoppel, TarieliTartu Ülikool. SotsiaalteaduskondTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituut2010-10-212010-10-212008 goal of the current research was to study communication between IT-specialists and customers in the process of developing web solutions and identify problems in it. The communication is the key activity in creating web projects and therefore problems in communication are affecting the whole development process and it’s results. By improving the quality of communication we also improve the quality of web solutions and efficiency of creating them. In my research I focus on three main issues: communication skills, communication channels and uniqueness of web solutions and creating them. Those topics were chosen on the basis of my 7-year experience in the field of internet technologies. The correct choice of topics was proved by earlier researches, results of my research and interview with the customer from the case-study. I used case-study, ethnography and interview as research methods. The results of the research corresponded to my hypothesizes. The hypothesis about communication skills was that communication between customer and IT-specialist is not efficient enough because customer lacks knowledge about computer terminology and netiquette. Results showed that there can be misunderstandings between parties because there is no agreement about temporary expressions and both sides don’t know the specifics of their partner’s field of activity. Also the communication suffers from the customers’ little knowledge of terminology and netiquette. On the topic of communications channels I had the following hypothesizes: „Communication between customer and IT-specialist may contain potential of the conflict as both sides don’t take into consideration the style of communication that is likely to appear by using the particular channel“ and „Customer doesn’t consider well enough the possibilities of the channel to transfer the message“. The results backed up both hypothesizes. Customer doesn’t always consider the features of the channel and therefore receiving of the message is obstructed. Customer’s style of computer-based communication is different from the style that is used with traditional communication channels and customer doesn’t acknowledge this difference. Hypothesis about uniqueness of ordering and creating web solutions said that customer doesn’t understand to the full the wholeness of web solution and the importance of it’s elements. In the results it appeared that customer may not always understand the importance and necessity of solution’s details and elements and may want to change them. The results were analyzed using two questions: is there anyone acting wrong in those situations and why he is acting so? By answering to those questions I was able to find solutions for the problems that occur in the communication between customers and IT- specialists. In the discussion part I offer my recommendations for each topic. Most of them are meant for IT-specialists and are oriented to be pedagogical: the task of the IT- specialist is to educate and assist customer, listen to him and learn about him. Only this way there can be solution for the problems that may seem not to be caused by IT- specialist or his concern.application/pdfbakalaureusetöödinfoühiskondInternetinfotehnoloogiainfotehnoloogidH Social Sciences (General)IT-spetsialistide ja klientide omavaheline suhtlus veebilahenduste arendamise protsessisThesis