Toomla, Raul, juhendajaKärblane, Kerstin-GertrudTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduste valdkondTartu Ülikool. Johan Skytte poliitikauuringute instituut2018-06-072018-06-072018 virus is spreading and the way to stop it is to do so through different policy and legal implementations. The aim of this thesis is to analyse how ART and international finances affect the number of people living with HIV by constructing a correlation matrix and regression model. To better analyse how different indicators might be affected theoretical overview was given both on medical and political factors. In this thesis three hypotheses were formed. Due to the lack of data the first hypotheses (prediction model) was rejected and the second hypotheses (descriptive model) was used. The results showed that when a number of people living with HIV raises the number of people receiving ART and international finances increase. The deduction could be made that implemented policies are effective. It is important to note that increasing numbers of HIV cases occurred mostly in lower income countries. By analysing political strategies of countries it was seen that there was a lack of implementation of human rights even though collective rights were mostly covered. As most national government guidelines only included ART, HIV testing and counselling. Meaning that due to the lack of implementation of human rights, stigma, fear and discrimination amongst key populations are still occurring resulting in a number of people not getting tested for HIV. Further research concerning how political implementations directly affect the number of people living with HIV is needed in order to fully understand the problem and to find the best solution.engopenAccessAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 EstoniabakalaureusetöödHIVAIDSrahvusvahelised organisatsioonidefektiivsusennetamineThe effectiveness of international organisations in the fight against HIV/AIDSThesis