Sulamanidze, Themuri, juhendajaKõlamets, Lauri, juhendajaKullamaa, GreeteTartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkondTartu Ülikool. Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia. Kunstide ja tehnoloogia õpetaja2024-08-222024-08-222024 aim of this master's thesis was to investigate the manifestation of the self-efficacy construct in the preparation of musical instrument teaching material. The author of the paper was looking for answers to the questions: "to what extent do the compilers of instructional materials for instrument teaching apply parts of the self-efficacy construct in the preparation of educational materials?" and "which parts of the self-efficacy construct are mostly applied in the preparation of educational material?" The study was conducted with three musical instrument teachers who have published educational material. Semi-structured interviews were held with them. This work used a qualitative research method and inductive or also known as open coding. Interviewed creators of teaching materials for instrument learning described the parts of the self-efficacy construct using the example of the teaching material that appeared in their print and gave an overview of the parts of the self-efficacy constructestAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 EstoniamuusikaõpetusõppevahendidenesetõhususmagistritöödInstrumendiõppe õppematerjali looja enesetõhususe rakendamine õppematerjali koostamiselThesis