Must, Olev, juhendajaTäht, Karin, juhendajaKoidu, KristinaTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduste valdkondTartu Ülikool. Psühholoogia instituut2012-03-132012-03-132012-03-132012 purpose of present study was to find out, if there are differences between the academic self-efficacy of students in the full-time, and in the part time divisions Open University Program. Proceeding from ageing of the population in general and changing of demands by the Labor Market the universities have taken ever increasing interest in spotting new target groups and, cater for adult students, by offering them courses that are flexible both, in format and time. As outcome of this research, the author has concluded that the students studying their majors in the full time division, possessed higher self-efficacy than that of students at the Open University Program. This research reiterated the existence of positive correlation (r=.24, p<.001) between the students’ academic self-efficacy and their academic performance results. Proceeding from this research, the author can underscore the fact that students with any previous academic experience, can achieve higher academically, and the academic results are not directly proceeding from the simultaneous combination of studies and work by the students. Keywords: academic self-efficacy, adult students, life-long learningetenesetõhususelukestev õpeüliõpilasedkõrgharidusStatsionaarse ja mittestatsionaarse õppevormi üliõpilaste akadeemilise enesetõhususe võrdlus Tartu Ülikooli näitelComparing the Academic Self-Efficacy of Students at Full-Time and Part-Time Divisions of Tartu UniversityOther