Berg, Eiki, juhendajaSonnleitner, Dominik, juhendajaLindau, RicardaTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduste valdkondTartu Ülikool. Johan Skytte poliitikauuringute instituut2019-06-142019-06-142019 thesis will consider the recent debate about land swaps as a possibility of final settlement between Serbia and Kosovo. While Kosovo has declared its independence unilaterally ten years ago and built its institutions with international support, Serbia has not recognized its former region as an independent state. The theoretical part will discuss power-sharing and partition as possible tools of conflict management. Both approaches include empirical and normative arguments for their theory. Land swaps in this context are discussed as a form of partition. The empirical part will analyse past attempts of negotiations since 1999. The idea of land swaps appeared within the framework of the EU facilitated dialogue; and the support and objection of relevant actors are analysed.engopenAccessmagistritöödkonfliktidkonfliktijuhtimineriigipiiridlahkumineBalkanKosovoSerbiaOpening Pandora's box on the Balkans? The possibility of land swaps as conflict resolution for KosovoThesis