Ugur, Kadri, juhendajaVarblane, SiretTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskondTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituut2012-06-152012-06-152012 children, media literacy, screen media impulses, study material. The aim of this bachelor’s thesis “Possibilities of using animated movie “Lotte and the Moonstone Secret” in media literacy education in preschool age” is to analyse how the impulses of screen media reveal in preschoolers’ creative games and in other activities and also, how the Estonian animated movie “Lotte and the Moonstone Secret” (2011) can be used for developing the media literacy skills of preschool age children. Researcher conducted five participant observation sessions in kindergarten and one focusgroup interview with 6-year-old children. The animated movie “Lotte and the Moonstone Secret” was studied using the critical viewing method to find the elements in movie, that can be used in children’s learning process. There were three main questions for what the research tried to answer: How does the children’s media content reveal in preschoolers’ play and creative actions? How does the inappropriate media content reveal in preschoolers’ creative actions and in their overall behaviour? How the animated movie “Lotte and the Moonstone Secret” can be used to develop the media literacy skills of preschool age children? The research revealed that TV has a strong impact on preschoolers’ play and creative actions. Children like to imitate their favourite characters from TV in their play and they often use the scenarios from TV as “frames” in their creative games. Research also showed that children quite often imitate the negative scenarios they have seen in TV – dying in pain, violent action scenes and fighting, big motor vehicle or train accidents etc. This means that children experience a lot via TV they cannot fully understand yet. So they try to create better understanding through testing out different scenarios and action models in their play, hoping to get some feedback and validation to their actions from their playmates and adults. Preschoolers also tend to prefer the toys which have immediate connection with TV or other screen media (e.g. toys seen in commercials or thematic cartoon toys) and use them in their play. Research also showed that there are plenty of elements in the animated movie “Lotte and the Moonstone Secret” that can be used to develop the media literacy skills of preschool age children. On this basis, a media literacy study material for preschoolers was also made. Researcher is convinced that exercises and integrated actions in this study material could help parents and kindergarten teachers in developing children’s media literacy skills.etlapsedkoolieelikudauditoorium (meedia)televisioonanimafilmidmeediapädevusmeediauuringudbakalaureusetöödJoonisfilmi "Lotte ja kuukivi saladus" kasutamise võimalused eelkooliealiste laste meediapädevuse arendamiseksThesis